Ket tells Kim about the Shudder original, Gwen. Since Ket is headed to Wales, she thought she’d take the Sammies with her! So, let’s all take a little jaunt to this beautiful bummer. This gorgeous gut punch. This potato pantry of pain. The true monsters have always been humans… but also check out this LANTERN! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Gwen.
Dir. William McGregor
Writer William McGregor
Dir. William McGregor
Writer William McGregor
Kim tells Ket about the critically acclaimed Talk to Me. The girls would ALSO like to add to the acclaim! It’s not often a movie lives up to the hype. We learn that Kim is a Mia and Ket is a Jade… but also Sue. So, Ket is Kim’s best friend AND Mom which, honestly, checks out. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Talk to Me.
Dir. Danny Philippou, Michael Philippou
Writers Danny Philippou, Bill Hinzman, Daley Pearson
Dir. Danny Philippou, Michael Philippou
Writers Danny Philippou, Bill Hinzman, Daley Pearson
Ket tells Kim about the fantastic final Patreon pick of the year, The Advent Calendar. Join the girls Patreon to participate in all their polls and more for 2024! (That rhymed, so now you have to do it - them’s the rules!) We close out the year by learning Kim’s true colors - and Ket’s in trouble should she ever find herself with a haunted advent calendar. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Advent Calendar.
Dir. Patrick Ridremont
Writer Patrick Ridremont
Dir. Patrick Ridremont
Writer Patrick Ridremont
Kim tells Ket about It’s a Wonderful Knife, as a Christmas present to herself, as well as the beloved Sammies! We meet Myrtle the Murder Angel as well as Mr. SorryIBurped. And make no mistake, the girls are solidly promoting this movie’s “Gay Agenda!” BONG BONG BONG BONG! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in It’s a Wonderful Knife.
Dir. Tyler McIntyre
Writer Michael Kennedy
Dir. Tyler McIntyre
Writer Michael Kennedy
Ket tells Kim about another Patreon Holiday Pick! This one was in a 3 way tie for second place. Ketryn “eeny meeny miney mowed” it and ended up here. Let’s be honest, she kinda wishes she’d meenied instead of mowed it. But what are the holidays, if not a time to question your brother’s sanity and lock the lord of the underworld in the basement? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in I Trapped the Devil.
Dir. Josh Lobo
Writer Josh Lobo
Dir. Josh Lobo
Writer Josh Lobo
Kim tells Ket about one of the picks voted on by their patrons, Wind Chill! As of the release of this episode, there is still time to sign up to be a patron and vote on the movie that Ket will tell Kim! Ok, enough plugging. You guys, have you seen how gorgeous Emily Blunt’s eyes are?? Also, this is a PSA, don’t trick girls to get them to go on a road trip with you. You’ll get killed by ghosts. #Facts. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Wind Chill.
Dir. Gregory Jacobs
Writers Joe Gangemi, Steven Katz
Dir. Gregory Jacobs
Writers Joe Gangemi, Steven Katz
Ket tells Kim about the spooky Cobweb, on Hulu, starring two of their faves: Lizzy Caplan and Antony Starr. This movie was clearly called Cobweb for the way it dusted some ole’ cobwebs off Ket’s womb with this little opposite-of-a-creepy-crapbag. We also cover where D’s super hero history school, in which Kim has been enrolled, has yet to cover The Boys and will be facing an audit. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Cobweb.
Dir. Samuel Bodin
Writer Chris Thomas Devlin
Dir. Samuel Bodin
Writer Chris Thomas Devlin
Kim tells Ket about the cinematic masterpiece, Thankskilling. The girls, uh… this was a tough one. It made them grateful for a lot of things: never having to watch this again, the movie being over, never having to speak of it again… just lots of gratitude. And booze. This episode required a lot of booze… and booooooos. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Thankskilling.
Dir. Jordan Downey
Writers Jordan Downey, Brad Schulz, Kevin Stewart, Anthony Wilson, Grant Yaffee
Dir. Jordan Downey
Writers Jordan Downey, Brad Schulz, Kevin Stewart, Anthony Wilson, Grant Yaffee
Ket tells Kim about the pre-Thanksgiving thriller, Kristy, starring Ashley Greene and Haley Bennett. Once again, poor sweet Kim is killed by her lack of aquatic prowess. So sad. So tragic. This time it’s Ketryn who gets to add a sound to her reSUme! ‘Tis that of a wee baby raptor. We have no doubt this will come in as handy as Kim’s chainsaw impersonation. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Kristy.
Dir. Olly Blackburn
Writer Anthony Jaswinski
Dir. Olly Blackburn
Writer Anthony Jaswinski
Kim tells Ket about the art house powerhouse, Slotherhouse! Spoiler Alert: Ketryn takes the side of the sloth 100% of the time. The girls coin a new greeting for each other and reminisce about college days, as usual. Most importantly, we’ll learn if the sloth… I mean Ket, will live or die in Slotherhouse.
Dir. Matthew Goodhue
Writers Bradley Fowler, Cady Lanigan
Dir. Matthew Goodhue
Writers Bradley Fowler, Cady Lanigan
Ket tells Kim about There’s Something Wrong with the Children. In honor of “The Fall of The House of Usher”, this film stars Zach Gilford. In honor of pod friends, it also stars the charming and hilarious Carlos Santos of #Gentified. Listen, if the girls have told you once, they’ve told you a trillion times: if your kid is a creepy crapbag, don’t bother trying to uncreep them! Send ‘em back! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in There’s Something Wrong with the Children.
Dir. Roxanne Benjamin
Writer T.J. Cimfel, David White
Dir. Roxanne Benjamin
Writer T.J. Cimfel, David White
Kim tells Ket about Halloween 4 (1988) and Ketryn has zero idea what timeline we’re in or on. She does know that when swaddling your baby for 10 years, you gotta include the arms and fingies! Otherwise they’re gonna stick them right through someone’s jelly skull. It’s also important to have a safe word. Take it from lovebirds, Loomis and Micheal Myers. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Halloween 4.
Dir. Dwight H. Little
Writers Dhani Lipsius, Larry Rattner, Benjamin Ruffner, Alan B. McElroy
Dir. Dwight H. Little
Writers Dhani Lipsius, Larry Rattner, Benjamin Ruffner, Alan B. McElroy
Ket tells Kim and spooooooky Ghost Story (1981) starring a bunch of really famous old dudes and the positively majestic Alice Krige. As inspired by the Chowder Society Factory, Kim and Ket are imploring their Sammies and patrons to come up with a “Society Factory” for themselves! We also want you to know that Helen lived a great life with her 24 grandkids, no thanks to Don, at ALL! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Ghost Story.
Dir. John Irvin
Writers Peter Straub, Lawrence D. Cohen
Dir. John Irvin
Writers Peter Straub, Lawrence D. Cohen
It’s Friday the 13th this week!! So you know what that means! Kim tells Ket about the 7th installment of Friday the 13th. The girls learn about how and when to light things on fire. They also talk, ad nauseum, about an Ambrosia Salad and its ::checks notes:: awesome… pussy. However, not once do they refer to it as an Ambrosia salad, but only as Waldorf Salad which is completely incorrect. Nevertheless, and most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood.
Dir. John Carl Buechler
Writers Daryl Haney, Manuel Fidell
Dir. John Carl Buechler
Writers Daryl Haney, Manuel Fidell
Ket tells Kim about the talked-about Shudder flick, Speak No Evil. Let us be clear: being polite will get you killed. So, do with that as you will. The girls have completed both of their wedding quests and are ready to take on October. They also occasionally know the correct words to “Country Roads” but not always, and are only mildly clear on their geography of the “Norwegiany” part of the world. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Speak No Evil.
Dir. Christian Tafdrup
Writers Christian Tafdrup, Mads Tafdrup
Dir. Christian Tafdrup
Writers Christian Tafdrup, Mads Tafdrup
Kim tells Ket about her boy, M. Night’s film, Split, starring Ket’s boy, James McAvoy. Between the 12 million weddings the girls are attending, the girls find time to record a pod. We learn the only occupation fit for Clares, according to Ketryn. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Split.
Dir/Writer. M. Night Shyamalan
Dir/Writer. M. Night Shyamalan
Ket tells Kim about The Mummy as the beginning of their journey into the classic Universal Monsters. If this movie is any indicator, two of those monsters are misogyny and racism. Ba-dum CHHHH! Both girls end up quite lost by the end. Just bumbling around the place like The Mummy (that’s only in the movie for 12 seconds). Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Mummy.
Dir. Karl Freund
Writers Nina Wilcox Putnam, Richard Schayer, John L. Balderston
Dir. Karl Freund
Writers Nina Wilcox Putnam, Richard Schayer, John L. Balderston
Kim tells Ket about the movie that saved her life on a 37 million hour trek home from Brazil, Renfield, starring our boy, Ic Age, alongside ANOTHER favorite Nick of the pod! This one, of the Hoult variety. Also, don’t worry, the girls nailed down the names of Kim and D’s imaginary dogs. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Renfield.
Dir. Chris McKay
Writers Ryan Ridley, Robert Kirkman, Ava Tramer
Dir. Chris McKay
Writers Ryan Ridley, Robert Kirkman, Ava Tramer
Kim, Ket AND, most importantly, Arik were all down for the count, healthwise, this week. So the girls took another trip down memory lane and are bringing you a throwback all the way back to episode 25, where we learn who first threatened who with having them replaced with a Ghost Host...
Ket tells Kim about Annihilation starring Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Ket will educate Kim on what she’s been missing in terms of the hotness that is Oscar Isaac. They’ll both educate all of you on the Bechdel Test. And THEY’LL be educated on tentacle blood and jurassic bear skull monsters. And all of YOU will educate Kim and Ket on where the quote “We’re all a little crazy” came from. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Annihilation.
Dir. Alex Garland
Writer Alex Garland
Ket tells Kim about Annihilation starring Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Ket will educate Kim on what she’s been missing in terms of the hotness that is Oscar Isaac. They’ll both educate all of you on the Bechdel Test. And THEY’LL be educated on tentacle blood and jurassic bear skull monsters. And all of YOU will educate Kim and Ket on where the quote “We’re all a little crazy” came from. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Annihilation.
Dir. Alex Garland
Writer Alex Garland
Ket tells Kim about Don’t Knock Twice starring Katie Sackhoff, Lucy Boynton and a gorgeous UK manor. This is the episode we’ll all refer back to as the conception of Jerry the Demon’s new sitcom where he plays the Kramer-like neighbor to Baba Ghanoush. I mean Baba Yaga! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Don’t Knock Twice.
Dir. Caradog W. James
Writers Mark Huckerrby, Nick Ostler
Dir. Caradog W. James
Writers Mark Huckerrby, Nick Ostler
While Kim is off galavanting Goddess knows where, the girls thought that they would take you on a little trip down memory lane with their 64th episode. A classic, if they do say so themselves…
Kim tells Ket about the classic Night of the Living Dead starring Duane Jones and Judith O’Dea. It’s spooky Halloween and what better way to celebrate than to kill some non-trademarked zombies? So give us an Eskiball Kiss, let’s put some doors on doors and slap some sense into Barbler. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Night of the Living Dead.
Dir. George Romero
Writer John Russo
Kim tells Ket about the classic Night of the Living Dead starring Duane Jones and Judith O’Dea. It’s spooky Halloween and what better way to celebrate than to kill some non-trademarked zombies? So give us an Eskiball Kiss, let’s put some doors on doors and slap some sense into Barbler. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Night of the Living Dead.
Dir. George Romero
Writer John Russo
Kim tells Ket about the Shudder original, The Seed. Ket learns that she is the amalgamation of all three characters and Kim’s annoyed at all of them. This alien movie feels really apropos seeing as the government just told us there are aliens and we all collectively gave about as many shits as these chicks. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Seed.
Dir. Sam Walker
Writer Sam Walker
Dir. Sam Walker
Writer Sam Walker
Ket tells Kim about the Sci-Fi Horror from the not-so-distant future, Demon Seed. Let me tell you, it’s… CRAZY TOWN. We finally learn Kim’s full, legal first name. Many thought it was Kimberly but it’s actually Kimbert. And, have no fear, Ket did figure out how to relate this back to the Barbie movie many a time. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Demon Seed.
Dir. Donald Cammell
Writers Dean R. Koontz (novel), Robert Jaffe and Roger O. Hirson (screenplay)
Dir. Donald Cammell
Writers Dean R. Koontz (novel), Robert Jaffe and Roger O. Hirson (screenplay)
Kim tells Ket about Night of the Demons! (From Dusk til Dawn of the Dead Bird(s)emic: Shock and Terror Night of the Demons.) It’s also week two of some dumbass kids gettin’ up to no good in some demon-y ass mansion. Ket is pretty ready for most of the characters to die almost instantly. But when all else fails, take a nap. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Night of the Demons.
Dir. Kevin Tenney
Writer Joe Augustyn
Dir. Kevin Tenney
Writer Joe Augustyn
Ket tells Kim about the obscure, unreleased film starring The Skipper AKA Alan Hale Jr. This movie appears to be about an immortal 90 yr old 50 yr old man who is terrorizing the poor man’s Scooby Gang. Excitingly, the girls are still goin’: From Dusk Till Dawn the Dead Bird(s)emic: Shock and Terror Night! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Terror Night.
Dir. Nick Marino, Andre de Toth
Writers Kenneth J. Hall, Murray Levy, Nick Marino
Dir. Nick Marino, Andre de Toth
Writers Kenneth J. Hall, Murray Levy, Nick Marino
Kim tells Ket about the absolutely surreal Birdemic: Shock and Terror. The girls are offering a trigger warning to all software salesmen who may find the success of Rod simply too much to take in such a volatile industry. Just remember, you’re worth more than your biggest sale. Also, if you’re waiting for birds… umm… keep waiting. So here we are: From Dusk Till Dawn of the Dead Bird(s)emic: Shock and Terror. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Birdemic: Shock and Terror.
Dir/Writer James Nguyen
Dir/Writer James Nguyen
Ket tells Kim about Dead Birds, suggested by Sammie, Michael, starring Henry Thomas, Michael Shannon and Patrick Fugit. The girls are still trying to keep this title train going. Let’s see how long it’ll last! Here’s what they do know, these guys do NOT know how to spot haunted stuff and honestly… they’re empathy can only go so far. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Dead Birds.
Dir. Alex Turner
Writer Simon Barrett
Dir. Alex Turner
Writer Simon Barrett
Ket tells GUY BUSICK about episode 6 of Guillermo del Toro's Netflix series. To accommodate for traveling, Guy steps into the hot seat and embarks on a journey with Jenkins Brown bonin’ down all about town. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Guy will live or die in Dreams in the Witch House.
Dir. Catherin Hardwicke
Writers H.P. Lovecraft, Mika Watkins, Guillermo del Toro
Dir. Catherin Hardwicke
Writers H.P. Lovecraft, Mika Watkins, Guillermo del Toro
Kim tells Ket about the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead starring Sarah Polley and Ving Rhames. We went from From Dusk Till DAWN to DAWN of the Dead! Let’s see how long they keep it going… or how long it takes for them to get bored or forget. Kim would also like to ask for a whiteboard for her birthday, please/thank you. So, call Dr. Collie! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Dawn of the Dead.
Dir. Zack Snyder
Writers George A. Romero, James Gunn
Dir. Zack Snyder
Writers George A. Romero, James Gunn
Ket tells Kim about the cult classic, From Dusk Till Dawn. So cover your feet, because Quentin’s in the house and he’s looking to exploit some toes and blow a doozy. Juliette Lewis, once again, proves herself to be the Queen of Range. And the 90s prove, once again, to be… problematic. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in From Dusk Till Dawn.
Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Writers Robert Kurtzman and Quentin Tarantino
Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Writers Robert Kurtzman and Quentin Tarantino
Kim tells Ket about another Cronenberg classic, Scanners! The girls quickly realize that the best weapon is the humiliation that comes with shitting one’s pants. Kim introduces us to Baby Ruth’s nephew. And Ketryn finds a new job as a familiar. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Scanners.
Dir. David Cronenberg
Writer David Cronenberg
Dir. David Cronenberg
Writer David Cronenberg
Ket gives Kim the week off and plays a little “Shudder Roulette.” The wheel landed on the Shudder Exclusive, Offseason. Kim starts off by not being able to identify a VERY obvious needle drop during the credits. Unfortunately, the beachy flick was NOT the dose of vitamin D that Ketryn was hoping for, but they DO get a surprise visit from, friend of the pod, Jeremy Gardner! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Offseason.
Dir. Mickey Keating
Writer Mickey Keating
Dir. Mickey Keating
Writer Mickey Keating
Ket tells Kim about The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe in what appears to be just a movie that ChatGPT conjured up from the things most likely to be floating around Ketryn’s brain. The girls need you to know that you gotta share your village lore! I mean, unless you need the new guy for a sacrifice or something. So don’t go chasing waterfalls and let’s all take a little chloroform nap. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Woman in Black.
Dir. James Watckins
Writers Susan Hill Jane Goldman
Dir. James Watckins
Writers Susan Hill Jane Goldman
Kim tells Ket about The Crazies starring Timothy Olyphant! The girls would first like to extend their heartfelt congratulations to Judy and David who are expecting their first BURRITO! Kim and Ket would also like to inform you of their upcoming legal battles. Ket is being sued by the estate of Johnny Cash. Kim is being sued by a car whose noise she imitated too convincingly. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Crazies.
Dir. Breck Eisner
Writers Scott Kosar, Ray Wright, George A. Romero
Dir. Breck Eisner
Writers Scott Kosar, Ray Wright, George A. Romero
Ket tells Kim about The Fly, starring Geena Davis, jeff goldblum, and then later, JEFF GOLDBLUM! The girls have… so many questions. Why are flies so sexually virile? Why are their eyes open while they kiss? Where do flies keep their penises? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Fly
Dir. David Cronenberg
Writers George Langelaan (story by), Charles Edward Pogue, David Cronenberg
Dir. David Cronenberg
Writers George Langelaan (story by), Charles Edward Pogue, David Cronenberg
Kim tells Ket about Warm Bodies starring KKSAM darling, Nicholas Holt and someone being John Malkovich. (I’ll see myself out.) This was a Sammie request and we’re so grateful for steering us towards this love fest. Also, super important. An official invitation has been verbalized and extended for Devon Sawa to come try and stay alive. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Warm Bodies.
Dir. Jonathan Levine
Writers Isaac Marion, Jonathan Levine
Dir. Jonathan Levine
Writers Isaac Marion, Jonathan Levine
Kim tells Brian and Tim (aka Brim) from The Civil Gore Podcast episode 5 of Stephen King’s Nightmares and Dreamscapes. The gauntlet has been thrown! For the first time, we will have a survival competition! Will they be jazz scientists? Will they eat their fiber? Will anyone get a coveted double ding? Don't forget to bring your produce carts and your creepy paintings along for the ride. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Brim will live or die in The Road Virus Heads North.
Dir. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan
Writers Peter Filardi (teleplay), Stephen King (short story)
Dir. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan
Writers Peter Filardi (teleplay), Stephen King (short story)
Kim tells Ket about Untitled Horror Movie at the request of one of their beloved Patreon patrons and SamFam, Megan! The girls start off strong with Kim unable to contain her boredom at a real “rock book” of a story Ketryn tries to tell her. They also need to offer a major trigger warning… to actors. Shots fired! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Untitled Horror Film.
Dir. Nick Simon
Writers Luke Baines, Nick Simon
Dir. Nick Simon
Writers Luke Baines, Nick Simon
Ket is doing some traveling to the UK to bring a British baby back for Kim. Meanwhile, here is the recording of a Virtual Live show they recorded back in October 2022! This is one of only 8 episodes of the show that Freddy actually appeared in. It also appears to be Olivia Benson’s very sad origin story. Don’t worry! The girls will break it up with laughs. Embarrassing stories of themselves and interjections from audience comments! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Freddy’s Tricks and Treats.
Dir. Ken Weiderhorn
Writers Gilbert Adler, Wes Craven, A.L. Katz
Dir. Ken Weiderhorn
Writers Gilbert Adler, Wes Craven, A.L. Katz
Ket tells Kim about Night of the Comet starring Catherine Mary Stuart, Kelli Maroney and 80’s misogyny. The girls have a fun way to spice up the bedroom that D and Arik are sure to love. They also need to know if costume changes are required for the apocalypse. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Night of the Comet.
Dir. Thom Eberhardt
Writer Thom Eberhardt
Dir. Thom Eberhardt
Writer Thom Eberhardt
Kim tells Ket about Cube (1997) starring Nicole de Boer and David Hewlett. Welp. They’ve discovered a new space they hate. You guessed it! Cube space… or whatever the eff this is. So go suck on a button, would ya!? This was a real Schrodinger’s belly button if you know what I mean. (And how could you?) Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Cube.
Dir. Vincenzo Natali
Writers Andre Bejelic, Graeme Manson, Vincenzo Natali
Dir. Vincenzo Natali
Writers Andre Bejelic, Graeme Manson, Vincenzo Natali
Ket tells Kim about The Menu, starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Fiennes and, pod fave, Nick Hoult. We’re introduced to Kim’s new alter-ego: Steel Lukass. And, as his name suggests, he is definitely on Twitter and he’s definitely the worst. Voldemort appears to be up to the same old tricks, but in the kitchen this time. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Menu.
Dir. Mark Mylod
Writer Seth Reiss, Will Tracy
Dir. Mark Mylod
Writer Seth Reiss, Will Tracy
Kim tells Ket about Fall and Ketryn is NOT happy about it. Kim is prepared with all the appropriate couch and hot dog measurements. They attempt to come up with an equivalent for “sharked and narced” but for being, like, really high. Towered and coward? We’ll workshop it. Oh! And watch out for the “Mean Girl” vultures. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Fall.
Dir. Scott Man
Writers Jonathan Frank, Scott Man
Dir. Scott Man
Writers Jonathan Frank, Scott Man
Ket tells Kim about the poppy hit, Bodies Bodies Bodies, starring Amandla Stenberg, Maria Balakova and Pete Davidson. We got ourselves a pot of soup that’s really gettin’ stirred. There is hot goss flying everywhere and Ket is here for it. The girls also contemplate how to play Bodies Bodies Bodies in their tiny apartments. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Bodies Bodies Bodies.
Dir. Halina Reijn
Writers Sarah DeLappe, Kristen Roupenian
Dir. Halina Reijn
Writers Sarah DeLappe, Kristen Roupenian
Kim is back from wherever the eff! And she tells Ket about the Shudder release, The Boy Behind the Door, starring Lonnie Chavez and Ezra Dewey. Somehow, a character has his name changed to Blobbly. For the first time in 238 episodes, the girls almost forget to total the points which would surely unravel this yarn sweater we call the universe. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Boy Behind the Door.
Dir. David Charbonier, Justin Powell
Writers David Charbonier, Justin Powell
Dir. David Charbonier, Justin Powell
Writers David Charbonier, Justin Powell
Ket tells Jazz, from Girl That’s Scary Podcast on the Dread Podcast Network, a spooky tale, while Kim is traveling. Ket watched episode 4 of Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, The Outside. While Kim and Kat are away, Ket and Jazz will play! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Jazz will live or die in The Outside.
Dir. Ana Lily Amirpour
Writers Haley Z. Boston, Emily Carroll, Guillermo del Toro
Dir. Ana Lily Amirpour
Writers Haley Z. Boston, Emily Carroll, Guillermo del Toro
Ket tells Kim about the newest phenomenon, M3GAN, starring Allison Williams, Brian Jordan Alvarez and the next gay horror icon! Let’s get one thing straight, M3gan is NOT a Furby. The girls also discuss the practices of the children of 1512. Also, if anything should happen to Ket or Arik, can someone please go observe Kim with their cats for 30-40 minutes? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in M3gan.
Dir. Gerard Johnstone
Writers Akela Cooper (screenplay by), James Wan (story by)
Dir. Gerard Johnstone
Writers Akela Cooper (screenplay by), James Wan (story by)
Kim tells Ket about the creepy AF Smile starring Sosie Bacon (Shabacon for short). The girls are positively apoplectic about 80-hour work weeks and people doing their OWN BLUDGEONING. They also would like all closets to have doors and Kim would like to enjoy her tuna melts IN PRIVATE, thank you very much! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Smile.
Writer/Dir. Parker Finn
Writer/Dir. Parker Finn
Ket tells Kim about the prequel to X starring Mia Goth ::insert “we’re not worthy” gif from Wayne’s World:: and poor man’s Henry Cavill, David Corenswet. First thing’s first: regardless of the outcome of the Super Bowl, Kim would like to make it very clear that Philly was the best (worst?) at the Spanish Flu. F! L! U! FLU! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Pearl.
Dir. Ti West
Writers Ti West and Mia Goth
Dir. Ti West
Writers Ti West and Mia Goth
Kim tells Ket about the first installment of their two week double feature, X, by Ti West! So, of course, they debate which insect would be the sexiest. They also determine which names are best for yelling. Next week, we’re gonna dive into just what makes Pearl tick. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in X.
Dir. Ti West
Writer Ti West
Dir. Ti West
Writer Ti West
Ket tells Kim about the 2022 hit, The Black Phone. Starring Ethan Hawke of Reality Bites and White Fang… but beefier… and creepier. Ketryn reveals which very popular theme from a very popular TV show would be her walk out music. Kim’s is obvious… but she can’t remember it. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will stay alive in The Black Phone.
Dir. Scott Derrickson
Writers Scott Derrickson, C. Robert Cargill, Joe Hill (story)
Dir. Scott Derrickson
Writers Scott Derrickson, C. Robert Cargill, Joe Hill (story)
Kim tells Ket about Jordan Peele’s Nope, starring Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer and Steven Yeun. Ketryn learns she has an animosity towards Wendy Williams buried deep inside. The girls also contemplate the best names for your baby. Categories include such things as “Chef Boyardee Inspired Names.” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Nope.
Dir. Jordan Peele
Writer Jordan Peele
Dir. Jordan Peele
Writer Jordan Peele
This January has a Friday the 13th in it! So, you know what that means! Ket tells Kim about Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives! This movie knew the assignment. The girls were highly impressed with the lack of boob. Ket was really impressed by Jason's use of forest. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives
Dir. Tom McLoughlin
Writer Tom McLoughlin, Sean S. Cunningham (characters), Victor Miller (characters)
Dir. Tom McLoughlin
Writer Tom McLoughlin, Sean S. Cunningham (characters), Victor Miller (characters)
Kim tells Ket about the Hulu original, New Year, New You! So, naturally, they spend a large percentage of the episode discussing, and making a metaphor of, ratatouille. They also copyright a new “tougher” brand of windows. And ultimately, they prefer their bookclub over whatever the hell this was. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in New Year, New You.
Dir. Sophia Takal
Writer Sophia Takal, Adam Gaines
Dir. Sophia Takal
Writer Sophia Takal, Adam Gaines
Kim and Ket are traveling for the holidays so they’re revisiting one of their favorites but with some BRAND NEW CONTENT! Ket has now seen it with her own eyeballs and Kim is still listening to the soundtrack 3 years later, in a post-COVID world! Times are wild, man.
Kim tells Ket about Anna and the Apocalypse starring Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming and Ben Wiggins. Kim’s little musical heart sang along with every note and it was contagious… just like zombie viruses. So grab your hand sanitizer and call in all the Santas. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Anna and the Apocalypse.
Dir. John McPhail
Writer Alan McDonald, Ryan McHenry
Kim tells Ket about Anna and the Apocalypse starring Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming and Ben Wiggins. Kim’s little musical heart sang along with every note and it was contagious… just like zombie viruses. So grab your hand sanitizer and call in all the Santas. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Anna and the Apocalypse.
Dir. John McPhail
Writer Alan McDonald, Ryan McHenry
Ket told Kim about our third Patron pick of the season: A Christmas Horror Story. Here is where we learn that Krampus was kind of a Daddy. The girls also relive the horrors of their college freshman acting class monologues. Ket puts those skills to use to bring this script to life! They also are very grateful for the Changeling skills they’ve developed over the years. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in A Christmas Horror Story.
Dir. Grant Harvey, Steven Hoben, Brett Sullivan
Writers James Kee, Sarah Larson, Doug Taylor, Pascal Trottier, Jason Filiatrault
Dir. Grant Harvey, Steven Hoben, Brett Sullivan
Writers James Kee, Sarah Larson, Doug Taylor, Pascal Trottier, Jason Filiatrault
Kim told Ket about our second Patron pick of the season: Silent Night from 2012… or the 80’s. We’re unclear. Kim and Ket decide to pick up new weapons for this one. Ket, a scythe. And Kim… well, duh. A Chainsaw. Jaimee King gives a tour de force performance in a real turd pie. And Malcolm McDowell ate every single set piece there was. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Silent Night (2012)
Dir. Steven C. Miller
Writer Jayson Rothwell
Dir. Steven C. Miller
Writer Jayson Rothwell
The Patrons voted and our first installment of Holiday Horrordays is ::drumroll:: RARE EXPORTS! They voted for Ket to tell Kim this gem. So, hang onto your jingle balls and pass the ginger bread. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! For some merry trafficking! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Rare Exports.
Dir. Jalmari Helander
Writers Jalmari Helander, Juuso Helander, Petri Jokiranta
Dir. Jalmari Helander
Writers Jalmari Helander, Juuso Helander, Petri Jokiranta
Kim tells Ket about the acclaimed Barbarian starring Bill Skarsgaardsaarsgard and Justin Longbeard. Ket thought the most she had to worry about was sharing an AirBnB with Pennywise. She was… mistaken. Just let Mommy give you her ole’ crusty teat! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Barbarian.
Dir. Zach Cregger
Writer Zach Cregger
Dir. Zach Cregger
Writer Zach Cregger
Ket tells Kim about the Thanksgiving Day classic, Pilgrim! And let me tell you, the horrors of family drama, political arguments ‘round the stuffing, white-washing of the “first Thanksgiving,” is NOTHING compared to the horror… of METHOD ACTING! So come all ye Milgrims and Filgrims! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Pilgrim.
Dir. Marcus Dunstan
Writers Marcus Dunstan, Patrick Melton, Noah Fienberg
Dir. Marcus Dunstan
Writers Marcus Dunstan, Patrick Melton, Noah Fienberg
Kim tells Ket about Terrified starring everyone’s nightmares. Not that they needed another reason to be afraid of what’s under their bed, but the girls will only be skateboarding to and from them from here on out. If anyone needs help, Kim’s ready to ride by on her little help bike (Brrrring Brrrring) with a little helper’s note! You’re welcome! Also, the girls would like to politely decline their invite to this block party. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Terrified.
Dir. Demian Rugna
Writer Demian Rugna
Dir. Demian Rugna
Writer Demian Rugna
Ket tells Kim about the new Hellraiser, out now, on Hulu! And it is exquisitely disturbing. The girls start off with a VERY exciting update about Ket’s… I mean, Kim’s personal life. The girls also have to go over very basic survival skills we should all know by now, like don’t go through a secret door in a creepy mansion. Also, there is a teacher shortage… Priestess Pinhead is ready to step in. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Hellraiser (2022)
Dir. David Bruckner
Writers Ben Collins, Luke Piotrowski, David S. Goyer
Dir. David Bruckner
Writers Ben Collins, Luke Piotrowski, David S. Goyer
Kim tells Ket about The Strangers starring their childhood alums, Scott Speedman and Liv Tyler. Ket has definitely seen this before but… GOLDFISH BRAIN SAVES THE DAY AGAIN! We meet the newest member of The Burpsmap Family tree. Arik tries to be quiet and fails miserably and adorably. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Strangers.
Dir. Bryan Bertino
Writer Bryan Bertino
Dir. Bryan Bertino
Writer Bryan Bertino
Ket tells Kim about Werewolf by Night starring Gael Garcia Bernal. The girls are back together and it feels so good!! We have yet another applicant to Willy’s Wonderland: Ulysses Bloodstone is throwing his… uh… head in the ring. The girls really missed each other. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Werewolf by Night.
Dir. Michael Giacchino
Writers Heather Quinn, Peter Cameron, Gerry Conway, Michael G. Ploog, Roy Thomas, Jean Thomas
Dir. Michael Giacchino
Writers Heather Quinn, Peter Cameron, Gerry Conway, Michael G. Ploog, Roy Thomas, Jean Thomas
Ket tells… wait for it… podcast producer/editor/bestie/husband extraordinaire, Arik Martin! Kim is in Grease, playing Danny Zuko, in Greece, getting rave reviews. So, Ketryn told Arik about Final Destination, starring her (second) favorite thirst trap, Devon Sawa. THE SAMMIES ON PATREON PICKED IT! NOT HER! SHE’S NOT THAT MUCH OF A MONSTER! Anyway… Most importantly, we’ll learn if Arik will live or die in Final Destination.
Dir. James Wong
Writers Glen Morgan, James Wong, Jeffrey Reddick
Dir. James Wong
Writers Glen Morgan, James Wong, Jeffrey Reddick
Kim tells… wait for it… MIKEY, from THE HORROR VIRGIN PODCAST, about Razorback! Ket is outta town and we’re tryin’ something a little fun and different. The girls have been wanting to do a collab with this pod for quite some time. Listen, it’s a great episode and Ket is totally chill and not jealous about it at ALL! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Mikey will live or die in Razorback.
Dir. Russell Mulcahy
Writer Everett De Roche, Peter Brennan
Dir. Russell Mulcahy
Writer Everett De Roche, Peter Brennan
Kim tells Ket about Sinister starring Ethan Hawke. Being the experts they are, their listeners are lucky to be able to learn such amazing parenting tips as “if your kid has night terrors, ya gotta send ‘em back to the kid store.” Also, why did no one tell them that Tommy Wiseau of “The Room” fame was in this?! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Sinister.
Dir. Scott Derrickson
Writers Scott Derrickson, C. Robert Cargill
Dir. Scott Derrickson
Writers Scott Derrickson, C. Robert Cargill
Ket tells Kim about Colossal starring Anne Hathaway and Ted Lasso. I mean, Jason Sudeikis. Ketryn confirms that she did, in fact, give birth to her cats. The girls also discuss how different this story would be if it happened in 2022, rather than the completely different world on the space time continuum known as 2015. Ketryn would also like to petition OnlyFans for more sandwich content. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Colossal.
Dir. Nacho Vigalondo
Writer Nacho Vigalondo
Dir. Nacho Vigalondo
Writer Nacho Vigalondo
Kim tells Ket about Men starring Jessie Buckley, Rory Kinnear, Rory Kinnear and Rory Kinnear. Two weeks in a row, a momentous event takes place! The girls contemplate post-mortem biography titles. Ketryn finds it difficult to leave the moss, mushroom and manor of the tale, despite imminent danger. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Men.
Dir. Alex Garland
Writer Alex Garland
Dir. Alex Garland
Writer Alex Garland
Ket tells Kim about the prequel to the story of the ultimate Creepy Crapbag Kid. The girls dive into Orphan: First Kill, out now on Paramount+, starring Isabelle Furhman, Julia Stiles, and real Daddy Daddy, Rossif Sutherland. Kim has an incredibly exciting KKSAM “first!” She also gets to play both sides of the kill. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Orphan: First Kill.
Dir. William Brent Bell
Writers David Coggeshall, David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, Alex Mace
Dir. William Brent Bell
Writers David Coggeshall, David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, Alex Mace
Kim closes out the summer by telling Ket about Deep Blue Sea starring a tall stalk of corn (CORN!), Thomas Jayne, a city traffic light, Michael Rappaport, Samuel L. Jackson, and “Mr. ‘99,” L.L. Cool J. The girls learn the difference between a squab and squall. They employ their tried and true couch measurement system to measure sharks and THEIR BRAINS. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will stay alive in Deep Blue Sea.
Dir. Renny Harlin
Writers Duncan Kennedy, Donna Powers, Wayne Powers
Dir. Renny Harlin
Writers Duncan Kennedy, Donna Powers, Wayne Powers
Summer travels continue for one more week for Kim and Ket! So, this week they’re re-releasing an episode from way back in 2019 where the girls covered, Orphan! Let’s all bone up on this one before the girls cover the prequel in an episode soon to come!
Kim tells Ket about the 1973 episode of Night Gallery starring Sally Fields. Ketryn… umm… did not do well. To be fair she was a few seltzers deep… also she’s not very good at the game. This live show was for Horrible Imaginings Film Festival and the episode was chosen by the festival’s founder, Miguel Rodriguez. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Night Gallery: Whisper.
Dir. Jeannot Szwarc
Writers David Rayfiel, Martin Waddell
Dir. Jeannot Szwarc
Writers David Rayfiel, Martin Waddell
Ket tells Kim about the Hulu release, Prey. Listen… you heard it here first: Predator. Is. A. Daddy. And he does NOT skip leg day. He, also, appears to be on Demon Jerry’s family tree, according to Jerry’s recent 23andMe! Naru, played by Amber Midthunder, definitely deserves an induction into the Final Girl Hall of Fame. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Prey.
Dir. Dan Trachtenberg
Writers Patrick Aison, Dan Trachtenberg, Jim Thomas
Dir. Dan Trachtenberg
Writers Patrick Aison, Dan Trachtenberg, Jim Thomas
Kim tells Ket about The Hole in the Ground starring an Irish child that Kim wants to steal. They cover a plethora of topics! How should one source out their murders? What is the best way to make sure your child has an adorable Irish or British accent, despite not having one yourself? What kind of adorable decorations should we get for Kim’s “The Hole in the Ground” future baby shower? Lee Cronin, you have our blessing for Evil Dead Rise! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Hole in the Ground.
Dir. Lee Cronin
Writers Lee Cronin, Stephen Shields
Dir. Lee Cronin
Writers Lee Cronin, Stephen Shields
Ket tells Kim about The Resort starring Brock O’Hurn. Listen… movies are tough to make. The girls point out that Arik would definitely be responsible for Ketryn’s backpack. And if you really gotta get over a fence, at least consider going under it first. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Resort.
Dir/Writer: Taylor Chien
Dir/Writer: Taylor Chien
Kim tells Ket about Goodnight Mommy and gives Ketryn yet another reason to not want a creepy crapbag of her own. Ket also tells the Sammies about her very own horror movie she lived through where her house was infested with the musical festival for Flies: Lilith Fair featuring Jimmy Buffet at Monsterpalooza. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Goodnight Mommy.
Dir. Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz
Writers Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala
Dir. Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz
Writers Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala
Ket tells Kim about the 2018 Indian film, Tumbbad. Remember Sexy Goop Body, Frank, from Hellraiser? Well, you’ll never guess who we ran into! Sexy Goop Body’s Grandma! She… does not look great. The girls would also like to tell you about an exciting new business investment! It’s an opium den… but with Daddies. Less Opium. More Daddies. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Tumbbad.
Dirs. Rahi Anil Barve, Adesh Prasad, Anand Gandhi
Writers Mitesh Shah, Adesh Prasad, Rahi Anil Barve, Anand Gandhi, Narayan Dharap
Dirs. Rahi Anil Barve, Adesh Prasad, Anand Gandhi
Writers Mitesh Shah, Adesh Prasad, Rahi Anil Barve, Anand Gandhi, Narayan Dharap
Kim tells Ket about the French film, High Tension, starring Cecile de France and Maiwen. The girls are back from their travels and hit the ground with giggles galore! They discuss the habits of rich French ladies and their gas station attendant escorts. They discuss the spectrum of bummerations and gettin’ your “grumbles.” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in High Tension.
Dir. Alexandre Aja
Writers Alexandre Aja, Gregory Levasseur
Dir. Alexandre Aja
Writers Alexandre Aja, Gregory Levasseur
Recorded live in October 2021, Kim and their dear friend Paige - Madame of Horror, tell Ket about Puppet Master, starring… alcohol. Strap in, Sammies. If you think episodes are long-winded when they're sober… I mean, do you even KKSAM, bro?! Not gonna lie, Ketryn remembers NONE of this movie. ENJOY! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Puppet Master.
Dir. David Schmoeller
Writers Charles Band, Kenneth J. Hall, J.S. Cardone
Dir. David Schmoeller
Writers Charles Band, Kenneth J. Hall, J.S. Cardone
Hi Sammies! The girls have a bit of traveling to do, so we're bringing you a re-release from back in the DAY! In honor of our final “Pride” episode, here is a special edition of our 101st episode, Lyle, with an added snippet from our exclusive Patreon Post-Mortem we did for the film. Join our Patreon for the full video and hundreds more hours of BONE CON! (Bonus Content)
Ket tells Kim about the steamy 1983 horror starring David Bowie, Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon, continuing their “Pride Picks” for the month. The girls open the episode by stating that Kim is wearing trash on her head and knowing nothing about Tony Scott. Oh! How far the mighty have fallen. Ket also comes out as a Cape enthusiast… like that was news to literally anyone. They also encounter the worst fate either of them could possibly imagine. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Hunger.
Dir. Tony Scott (who IS Ridley Scott’s brother! Who knew? Spoiler Alert: everyone but Kim and Ket.)
Writers James Costigan, Michael Thomas, Whitley Strieber
Dir. Tony Scott (who IS Ridley Scott’s brother! Who knew? Spoiler Alert: everyone but Kim and Ket.)
Writers James Costigan, Michael Thomas, Whitley Strieber
To commemorate Kim and Ket’s 200th episode, we are having our first official Sammie Awards. We’ll be handing out awards for “Best Episode,” “Best Voice Acting,” “Best Episode Title”, “Best Running Gag or Catchphrase,” “Best Made Up Character Name,” “Best Jump Scare, “ “Most Random Tangent,” “Creepiest Burpsmap.” We also have some very exciting special guest presenters! Most importantly, the Sammies will learn how much Kim and Ket and Arik love and appreciate each and every one of you.
Dir. Arik Martin
Writer Arik Martin
Dir. Arik Martin
Writer Arik Martin
For Pride Month, Kim tells Ket about the bananas Tanny ::ahem:: I mean, TAMMY and the T-Rex featuring Theo Forsett as the delightful Byron! Oh! And teeny tiny baby Denise Richards and Paul Walker (RIP). Ketryn loses her mind, on multiple occasions, and takes a minute to hop into this ‘93 white Mustang convertible of a movie… but she gets there! So pick up your cool, clear, landline phone and dial 1-800-DINO-MAN! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Tammy and the T-Rex.
Dir. Stewart Raffill
Writers Gary Brockette, Stewart Raffill
Dir. Stewart Raffill
Writers Gary Brockette, Stewart Raffill
In honor of Pride Month, Ket tells Kim about Suspiria (2018) directed by Luca Guadagnino, also known for such LGTBQIA films as Call Me By Your Name. Ket is kicking off the month with weird jaw injuries and Kim comes out as Pansexual. They debate over what the names of Susie and Sara sound like. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Suspiria.
Dir. Luca Guadagnino
Writers Dario Argento, Daria Nicolodi, David Kajganich
Dir. Luca Guadagnino
Writers Dario Argento, Daria Nicolodi, David Kajganich
Kim tells Ket about Willy’s Wonderland starring one of the most beloved Sammie Mascots: Ic Age! (a.k.a. Nicolas Cage) Ever wonder what happened to all the little critters in that lagoon in The Little Mermaid who sang Kiss the Girl? Well, at least one of them became an animatronic serial killer. Also, we could all learn something from the Janitor about taking breaks and setting boundaries at work. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Willy’s Wonderland.
Dir. Kevin Lewis
Writer G.O. Parsons
Dir. Kevin Lewis
Writer G.O. Parsons
Arik picked this one for a very belated birthday episode. Ket watched The Fanatic starring her side piece, Devon Sawa, and John Travolta. Ketryn ponders the skeletal structure of The Philly Phanatic and Grimace from McDonald’s. The girls also cast a new character in the pantheon of horror movie monsters: Todd the God. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Fanatic.
Dir. Fred Durst
Writers Fred Durst and Dave Bekerman
Dir. Fred Durst
Writers Fred Durst and Dave Bekerman
Kim tells Ket about the 5th step in their Friday the 13th journey with Part V: A New Beginning. Kim decides she’s going to outsource her dating to Ketryn and Arik and they couldn’t be happier about it. The girls, also, examine the niche kink of chopping wood. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Friday the 13th - Part V.
Dir. Danny Steinmann
Writers Martin Kitrosser, David Cohen, Danny Steinmann
Dir. Danny Steinmann
Writers Martin Kitrosser, David Cohen, Danny Steinmann
Ket tells Kim about the 2021 release, The Deep House. For the second week in a row, the girls are goin’ for views and likes with another installment in their “Influencers Who Would DIE for views” series that they didn’t know they were making. They discuss the true horror that is “improv people” and Kim simply… can’t. She just can’t. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Deep House.
Dir. Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
Writers Rachel Parker, Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
Dir. Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
Writers Rachel Parker, Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
Kim tells Ket about the super spooky 2018 film, Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. Ketryn is officially back from the dead… only to immediately die again in this movie. Let’s pick fruit from the underwear tree and join the ghost brigade because Ketryn has ghost Stockholm Syndrome. Her post COVID reactions to Kim’s jump scares are also… new. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum.
Dir. Beom Sik-Jeong
Writers Beom Sik-Jeong, Sang Min-Park
Dir. Beom Sik-Jeong
Writers Beom Sik-Jeong, Sang Min-Park
Hi Sammies! Ket was under the weather this week and we weren't able to record a new episode, so we're bringing you a re-release from back in the DAY! In honor of Nic Cage's Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, we bring you the film that started our true love for "Ic Age," The Wicker Man. Enjoy!
Ket tells Kim about the little Irish Folktale, from Kate Dolan, You Are Not My Mother. As fellow Irish Lasses (ask 23andMe!), this one was a fave. Ket tells Kim exactly how long it will take for her to live down her previous barfing habits. And, we can’t stress this enough, grab ALL the blankets you can. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in You Are Not My Mother.
Dir. Kate Dolan
Writer Kate Dolan
Dir. Kate Dolan
Writer Kate Dolan
Kim tells Ket about the little Shudder horror from The Adams Family! It’s got a really witchy vibe and Ketryn is here for it. She’s also here for a chipmunk that tricks her. The girls also discuss pivoting to their very own Fight Club. What could go wrong? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Hellbender.
Dirs. John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser
Writers John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser
Dirs. John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser
Writers John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser
Ket closes out Women in Mystery… I mean History Month with Office Killer from Cindy Sherman. This cast is STAR. STUDDED! The girls learn that you can literally murder multiple people and still not be the biggest, or even second biggest, loser in an office. We’re looking at you, Gary and Molly! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Office Killer.
Dir. Cindy Sherman
Writers Elise McAdams, Tom Kalin, Cindy Sherman
Dir. Cindy Sherman
Writers Elise McAdams, Tom Kalin, Cindy Sherman
Kim tells Ket about the 2021 film from her favorite (Yes! Kim has a favorite something!) director, Julia DuCornau, TITANE! The girls add “hair knives” to their wish lists. Ketryn accepts a bet as to whether or not she’ll have an insatiable desire to fornicate with a car after watching this. She also has no idea who or what she’s rooting for in this film, but she’s here for all of it! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Titane.
Dir. Julia Ducornau
Writer Julia Ducornau
Dir. Julia Ducornau
Writer Julia Ducornau
Ket tells Kim about the new release… FRESH, starring Daisy Edgar-Jones, Jonica T. Gibbs, and Sebastian Stan. Ok, let’s just cut to the chase: Kim is Noa and Ketryn is Mollie. Horrible, terrible Chad makes a very unwelcome reappearance and is the catalyst for NoodleGate. Ketryn really struggles to keep it in her pants over Sebastian Stan. In honor of Women’s History Month, this movie is just an instructional manual for best friends to keep each other from being murdered by a date… and how to avoid Chads. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Fresh.
Dir. Mimi Cave
Writer Lauryn Kahn
Dir. Mimi Cave
Writer Lauryn Kahn
Kim tells Ket about the (not) critically acclaimed Gothika, starring the amazing Halle Berry, for their second #WomenInHistoryMonth episode. Ketryn does not come anywhere close to keeping her chill about Robert Downey, Jr. They also uncover the greatest joke ever uttered by human tongue, that will be called back for the rest of time. Their grand-daughters’ grand-daughters shall know the name of Jod. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Gothika.Dir. Matieu Kassovitz
Writer Sebastian Gutierrez
Writer Sebastian Gutierrez
Ket tells Kim about Tigers Are Not Afraid, written and directed by Issa Lopez, to kick off Women’s History Month. This has been on the girls’ list for, like, ever and it did not disappoint. Kim calls Ket out on her very disturbing use of the phrase ‘Cup Noodles’ rather than her dimension’s proper title ‘Cup ‘o’ Noodles.’ They also get recertified in the use of crevasse and crevice. This is all just to mask the utter despair that this film evokes. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Tigers Are Not Afraid.
Dir. Issa Lopez
Writer Issa Lopez
Dir. Issa Lopez
Writer Issa Lopez
Kim tells Ket about the 1973 art house film, Ganja & Hess. The girls are so excited to see their old friend, Duane Jones, without that pesky Barbler around (see episode 64). Kim schools us on the requirements of an assistant. Unbeknownst to many, you’re not supposed to ax your employer. Also, for the first time, Kim gets two points on an episode where Ket is trying to stay alive!! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Ganja and Hess.
Dir. Bill Gunn, Lawrence Jordan
Writer Bill Gunn
Dir. Bill Gunn, Lawrence Jordan
Writer Bill Gunn
Ket tells Kim about Nia DaCosta’s Candyman starring Yahya Abdull-Mateen II and Teyonah Parris. Did you guys know that Leann Rimes 1997 hit, How Do I Live, is about this very movie? Don’t worry about the timeline. The girls cover three things: One, they both have mild trypophobia (don’t google it). Two, Kim is the baby. But, three, she’s still older than Vanessa Williams, who reprises her role as Ann-Marie McCoy. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Candyman.
Dir. Nia DaCosta
Writers Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfeld, Nia DaCosta
Dir. Nia DaCosta
Writers Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfeld, Nia DaCosta
Kim tells Ket about the 5th installment of the Scream franchise starring all your favorites, plus some new faces like Jenna Ortega, Jack Quaid, and Melissa Barrera. Ketryn asserts that the history of Ghostface should be a part of every history syllabus in Woodsboro. The girls have a podcast-ending fight over the fate of low-rise jeans. They then have a second podcast-ending fight when Ketryn realizes she’s had her own bell… all along. Muahahahah! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Scream (2022).
Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpen, Tyler Gillett
Writers Guy Busick, Jame Vanderbilt and Kevin Williamson
Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpen, Tyler Gillett
Writers Guy Busick, Jame Vanderbilt and Kevin Williamson
Ket tells Kim about the 1974 blaxploitation horror, Sugar Hill, starring Marki Bey, in honor of Black History Month. This episode marks an historic moment. Kim… tells Ket… a story she’s NEVER heard before! Ketryn also sets some new goals, crone goals that is. We also meet a brand new mascot! Most importantly, we’ll see if Kim will live or die in Sugar Hill.
Dir. Paul Maslansky
Writer Tim Kelly
Dir. Paul Maslansky
Writer Tim Kelly
Kim tells Ket about the thrilling tear-jerker, starring Rebecca Hall, The Night House. Kim may or may not have been visited by a real life ghost while recording. Ketryn finds the scariest part of the movie to be when a parent visits a grieving and overworked teacher. They coin a term for a new time of day and squee about their own friendship as seen through the eyes of this movie. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will love or die in The Night House.
Dir. David Bruckner
Writers Ben Collins, Luke Piotrowski
Dir. David Bruckner
Writers Ben Collins, Luke Piotrowski
Ket tells Kim about Scream 4 (2011) in preparation for Scream, the 5th installment! In this episode, Ketryn learns, and proceeds to reject, the correct definition of wizened. Kevin Williamson puts his foot down and shows us who is boss on IMDB. Ketryn still has a bone to pick with him because she is, to quote her best friend, “an asshole.” So let’s all get the eff outta Woodsboro and head to Prague. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Scream 4.
Dir. Wes Craven
Writers Kevin Williamson and Kevin Williamson
Dir. Wes Craven
Writers Kevin Williamson and Kevin Williamson
Kim tells Ket about Lake Placid starring Bridget Fonda, Bill Pullman, Oliver Platt and BETTY FRIGGIN’ WHITE! In honor of her passing, we’re feeding some giant sweet little baby crocodiles. We also learn that Ketryn has an irrational love of Oliver Platt. The girls discuss the difference between a Daddy and… a Daddyyy and get no closer to figuring out which category Bill Pullman falls into. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Lake Placid.
Dir. Steve Miner
Writer David E. Kelley
Dir. Steve Miner
Writer David E. Kelley
Ket tells Kim about the 1980 NYE horror, New Year’s Evil, starring Roz Kelly, Kip Niven and Chris Wallace. It’s 2022 and all is well… riiiight?? Dear god, please. Kim has a new job as a Lieutenant. The girls have also started a new band featuring the moshable instruments of flute and cello. They also relive how Ketryn managed to annoy Kim into staying alive in New Year’s of yore. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in New Year’s Evil.
Dir. Emmett Alston
Writers Emmett Alston, Leonard Neubauer
Dir. Emmett Alston
Writers Emmett Alston, Leonard Neubauer
Recorded live for the Holiday Special last year, 2020, the girls take turns telling each other an episode from Christmas horror TV. Ket tells Kim about an episode of Monsters, called A New Woman, starring Linda Thorson and Dan Butler. Kim tells Ket about an episode of Tales from the Dark Side, called Seasons of Belief, starring E.G. Marshall and Six from Blossom. As always, and most importantly, we’ll learn if the girls will live or die in this live episode!
Dir Brian Thomas Jones
Writers Charles Dickens, Edith Swensen
Dir Brian Thomas Jones
Writers Charles Dickens, Edith Swensen
Kim tells Ket about the Christmas classic, P2, starring professional hot creep, Wes Bentley, and Rachel Nichols. The girls become acquainted with an all new, but equally as terrifying, type of space: Parking Garage Space. They both have “drinking problems” during the episode. They canonize a new Saint: Security Guard Karl, and Ketryn gets fitted for a Kim Skin Suit. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in P2. Happy Yule, Sammies!
Dir. Frank Khalfoun
Writers Frank Khalfoun, Gregory Levasseur, Alexndre Aja
Dir. Frank Khalfoun
Writers Frank Khalfoun, Gregory Levasseur, Alexndre Aja
Ket tells Kim about Jack Frost starring Michael Keaton… wait, what? Oh, no, it’s the one from the year before starring Scott MacDonald. Guys… the real story, though, is about that kid that is well on his way to being the next serial killer, you little creepy crapbag! The girls, also, really need to know if Shannon Elizabeth is ok. So put your Science Tits on! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Jack Frost (1997).
Dir. Michael Cooney
Writers Jeremy Paige, Michael Cooney
Dir. Michael Cooney
Writers Jeremy Paige, Michael Cooney
Kim stretches out her birthday by telling Ket about Scream 3 starring all our faves! Praise be to the Goddess for the girls’ goldfish brains yet again because Ket has definitely seen it… but ya wouldn’t know it. They come up with a new game: “find the weapon.” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Scream 3.
Dir. Wes Craven
Writers Kevin Williamson, Ehren Kruger
Dir. Wes Craven
Writers Kevin Williamson, Ehren Kruger
Ket tells Kim about 30 Days of Night starring Kim’s boyfriend, Josh Hartnett. Yes, that’s right. For her early birthday present to Kim, Ket told her about another JH joint that Kim wasn’t able to see with her own eyeballs and made her spend 2 hours in Snow Space... ok, so this wasn’t the BEST gift Ket has ever come up with. But Kim was able to compile a list of everything she’s looking for in a man. Spoiler alert: it's Josh Hartnett.
Dir. David Slade
Writers Steve Niles, Stuart Beattie, Brian Nelson
Dir. David Slade
Writers Steve Niles, Stuart Beattie, Brian Nelson
Kim tells Ket about the Thanksgiving (?) classic, Motel Hell, starring Grandzaddy Rory Calhoun. This was a Patreon pick and they did not disappoint. Kim bulks up her inanimate object impersonations resume and deems everyone “Father.” The girls also try to determine the best meat slogan. It’s between Kim and Father Ida. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Motel Hell. Happy Thanksgiving!
Dir. Kevin Connor
Writers Robert Jaffe, Stevan-Charles Jaffe, Tim Tuchrello
Dir. Kevin Connor
Writers Robert Jaffe, Stevan-Charles Jaffe, Tim Tuchrello
Ket tells Kim about the 1998 teen horror installment, The Faculty, starring everyone you've ever seen and Kim's #1 badboy heartthrob, Josh Hartnett. It also stars Ketryn's close personal friends, Robert Patrick and Usher. Meet you for drinks later, Ush! Ketryn has a pretty serious bone to pick with Josh Hartnett's hair. Kim would LIKE a serious bone with Josh Hartnett. Once again, thank Goddess for Kim and Ket's goldfish brains which allow them to do episodes on movies they have most definitely seen but remember zero about. Most importantly, we'll learn if Kim will live or die in The Faculty.
Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Writers David Wechter, Bruce Kimmel, Kevin Williamson
Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Writers David Wechter, Bruce Kimmel, Kevin Williamson
Kim tells Ket about Don’t Breathe starring Stephen Lang and Jane Levy. They quickly establish that Ketryn does not do “the crimes” and lament the bad day of the bank teller that had to cash out this guy’s $300,000 settlement. Ketryn struggles, on more than one occasion, with a choice so easy Kim almost didn’t ask it as a question. But Kim is proud of her for not attempting to befriend a rottweiler that wants to eat her. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Don’t Breathe.
Dir. Fede Alvarez
Writers Fede Alvarez, Rodo Sayagues
Dir. Fede Alvarez
Writers Fede Alvarez, Rodo Sayagues
Ket tells Kim about the bonkers Society starring Billy Warlock and Devin DeVasquez with effects by SCREAMING MAD GEORGE!!! And he is, in fact, mad. And probably screaming. And George. Ketryn assures Kim that despite her douchey ways of saying croissant, chaise lounge, and her extensive knowledge of hearths, she is NOT (repeat: NOT) a part of society. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Society
Dir. Brian Yuzna
Writers Zeph E. Daniel, Rick Fry
Dir. Brian Yuzna
Writers Zeph E. Daniel, Rick Fry
Kim tells Ket about Halloween II starring Jamie Lee Curtis and The Shape. Dr. Loomis is the most extra and Ketryn has a vendetta against him for not knowing how to pronounce Samhain. It also comes to the girls’ attention that Michael Myers, being a youthful 21 yrs. Old, must be in the prime of his life as he embarks on his serial killer career. I bet those abs are ::chef’s kiss::. So Happy Samhain, all (pronounced correctly)! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Halloween II (1981)
Dir. Rick Rosenthal
Writers John Carpenter, Debra Hill
Dir. Rick Rosenthal
Writers John Carpenter, Debra Hill
Ket tells Kim about Thirteen Ghosts (2001) starring Matthew Lillard! Oh, yeah. And Tony Shalhoub and Shannon Elizabeth. Kim revisits her junkyard childhood. The girls debate about which team in Legends of the Hidden temple they’d be on. And Ketryn chooses a chalice from the old knight. Will she choose wisely… or poorly? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Thir13en Ghosts.
Dir. Steve Beck
Writers Robb White, Neal Marshall Stevens, Richard D’Ovidio
Dir. Steve Beck
Writers Robb White, Neal Marshall Stevens, Richard D’Ovidio
Kim tells Ket about The Mist starring Thomas Jayne, Andre Braugher and Marcia Gay Harden. The girls create a brand new measurement system, sure to leave the metric and imperial systems in the cold and utterly obsolete. Ketryn also introduces her new weather podcast and has to brave the most “Dead or Alives,” EVER! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Mist.
Dir. Frank Darabont
Writer Frank Darabont, Stephen King
Dir. Frank Darabont
Writer Frank Darabont, Stephen King
Ket tells Kim about Book of Monsters in honor of Ketryn’s ::cough cough:: 18th birthday. We’ll meet another member of the prestigious family of Edward Scissorhands: Edward Scythe Hands. Ketryn reminds us all that NO ONE “mean girls” like Regina George. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Book of Monsters.
Dir. Stewart Sparke
Writer Paul Butler
Dir. Stewart Sparke
Writer Paul Butler
Kim tells Ket about James Wan’s new horror, Malignant, starring Annabelle Wallis, Maddie Hassan and George Young. Right off the bat, Kim needs a refresher on how things work. Does she need to finish watching the movie? How do questions work? The girls also dive a little deeper into the terrifying “backwards hammock knee” syndrome they discovered in episode 117. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Malignant.
Dir. James Wan
Writers James Wan, Ingrid Bisu, Akela Cooper
Dir. James Wan
Writers James Wan, Ingrid Bisu, Akela Cooper
Ket tells Kim about the movie that has been guessed literally every week for 161 episodes, The Visit, starring Olivia DeJonge and Ed Oxenbould. Kim tells us about the scariest place on the planet (oddly, it’s not the inside of a freakishly large oven). It finally comes out that Ket has installed surveillance cameras in Kim’s apartment. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Visit.
Dir. M. Night Shyamalan
Writer M. Night Shyamalan
Dir. M. Night Shyamalan
Writer M. Night Shyamalan
Kim tells Ket about the 1979 bonkers Tourist Trap starring NOT Linda Carter. The girls discuss what “diversity”meant in the 70’s. An old demon friend drops by to catch up. Welcome back, Jerry TooNEYtown! Kim adds “wet diaper” impression to her reSUme and Ketryn lights her diaper on fire! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Tourist Trap.
Dir. David Schmoeller
Writers David Schmoeller, J. Larry Carroll
Dir. David Schmoeller
Writers David Schmoeller, J. Larry Carroll
Ket tells Kim about the 1995 horror flick starring their old pal the Cryptkeeper in his film debut, Tale from the Crypt: Demon Knight, starring Billy Zane and Jada Pinkett (not yet Smith)! The girls see what Lowell from Wings has been up to. They then spend literally the rest of the episode trying not to have demon sex with Billy Zane. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Tale from the Crypt: Demon Knight.
Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson
Writers Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Voris, Mark Bishop
Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson
Writers Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Voris, Mark Bishop
Kim tells Ket about Candyman (1992) starring smokeshow Tony Todd and Virginia Madsen in honor of the release of Nia DaCosta’s Candyman. The girls talk about their favorite bathroom waterbeds and point out all of the Arrested Development references in the film. They discuss the pros and cons of shared medicine cabinets and how Candyman is basically Tinkerbell. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in the original Candyman.
Dir. Bernard Rose
Writers Clive Barker and Bernard Rose
Dir. Bernard Rose
Writers Clive Barker and Bernard Rose
Recorded live in October 2020, Kim and Ket tell their dear friend @therealpaigetaylor about They Live starring Roddy Roddy Pipey and Keith David. Feel free to play our drinking game along with us but make sure you don’t have any plans the next day. So grab your sunglasses (Drink!) Most importantly, we’ll learn if Paige will live or die in They Live.
Dir. John Carpenter
Writers John Carpenter, Ray Nelson
Dir. John Carpenter
Writers John Carpenter, Ray Nelson
Recorded live for the Campfire Tales Winter 2021 edition, the girls take turns telling each other an episode from horror TV. Ket tells Kim about an episode of The Veil called “Jack the Ripper” starring Boris Karloff and JUDIIIIIIIIIITH. Kim tells Ket about an episode of The Hitchhiker called “Man of her Dreams” starring red roses and white carnations. As always, most importantly, we’ll learn if the girls will live or die in this live episode!Dir David MacDonald
Writers Michael Plant, Frank P. Bibas
Dir. Phillip Noyce
Writer Lewis Chesler, Riff Markowitz, Richard Rothstein
Writers Michael Plant, Frank P. Bibas
Dir. Phillip Noyce
Writer Lewis Chesler, Riff Markowitz, Richard Rothstein
Ket tells Kim about the 4th installment of their Friday the 13th series with The Final Chapter written by… everyone. All the writers. We learn that Tommy is the founder of Spirit Halloween’s mask collection. We are revisited by the magical towel from all the way back in episode two! All the while, we discover that Jason can fly. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter.
Dir. Joseph Zito
Writers Victor Miller, Ron Kurz, Martin Kitrosser, Carol Watson, Barney Cohen, Bruce Hidemi Sakow, Sean S. Cunningham
Dir. Joseph Zito
Writers Victor Miller, Ron Kurz, Martin Kitrosser, Carol Watson, Barney Cohen, Bruce Hidemi Sakow, Sean S. Cunningham
Kim tells Ket about the Shudder original, Caveat, starring Jonathan French, Ben Caplan and Leila Sykes. The girls pitch their new mascot idea to Peloton: a pelican pulling its spine out its mouth. The film features ONE (I repeat, ONE) Jacob Marley chain. And Kim tries to coerce Ketryn into singing 5-star reviews again. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Caveat.
Dir. Damian McCarthy
Writer Damian McCarthy
Dir. Damian McCarthy
Writer Damian McCarthy
Ket tells Kim about the brand new release, Werewolves Within, starring Sam Richardson, Milana Vantrub and Cheyenne Jackson. The girls are so happy to be back to recording regular episodes. They’re a little rusty and their mics are a bit flacid but they made it! So grab your wolf cosplay and be the fish you want to see in the neighborhood pond of the world… or something. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Werewolves Within.
Dir. Josh Ruben
Writer Mishna Wolff
Dir. Josh Ruben
Writer Mishna Wolff
Recorded live in March 2020, Kim and Ket tell their dear friend @therealpaigetaylor about Leprechaun starring Warwick Davis and the one and only JennyAn. Feel free to play our drinking game along with us but make sure you don’t have any plans the next day. So grab your jars of pee! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Paige will live or die in Leprechaun.
Dir. Mark Jones
Writer Mark Jones
Dir. Mark Jones
Writer Mark Jones
Recorded live for the Campfire Tales Winter 2020 edition, the girls take turns telling each other an episode from horror TV. Ket tells Kim about episode one of Freddy’s Nightmare called “No More Mr. Nice Guy” starring dear ole’ Robert Englund, himself. Kim tells Ket about an episode of The Hammer House of Horror called “The Silent Scream” starring Daddy Cox and Peter Cushing. As always, most importantly, we’ll learn if the girls will live or die in this live episode!
Dir Tobe Hooper
Writers Wes Craven, Michael De Luca, David Ehrman
Dir. Alan Gibson
Writer Francis Essex
Dir Tobe Hooper
Writers Wes Craven, Michael De Luca, David Ehrman
Dir. Alan Gibson
Writer Francis Essex
Recorded live for the Campfire Tales September 2020 edition, the girls take turns telling each other an episode from horror TV. Ket tells Kim about an episode of Tales from the Crypt called “Dead Right” starring Demi Moore and George Bluth. Kim tells Ket about the episode called “Only Sin Deep” starring Caroline in the City. As always, most importantly, we’ll learn if the girls will live or die in this live episode!
Dir Howard Deutch
Writers Steven Dodd, Andy Wolk
Dir. Howard Deutch
Writers Steven Dodd, Fred Dekker
Dir Howard Deutch
Writers Steven Dodd, Andy Wolk
Dir. Howard Deutch
Writers Steven Dodd, Fred Dekker
Recorded live for the Campfire Tales October 2020 edition and also Ketryn’s Birthday, the girls take turns telling each other an episode from horror TV. Ket tells Kim about an episode of Tales from the Darkside called Circus starring Old Old Uncle Circus Man. Kim tells Ket about an episode of Monsters starring Grueler, Kristy and Donna Martin. As always, most importantly, we’ll learn if the girls will live or die in this live episode!
Dir Michael Gornick
Writers Sydney J. Bounds, George A. Romero
Dir. Michael Brandon
Writers David Chaskin, Christopher Orville, Richard P. Rubenstein
Dir Michael Gornick
Writers Sydney J. Bounds, George A. Romero
Dir. Michael Brandon
Writers David Chaskin, Christopher Orville, Richard P. Rubenstein
In honor of the unexpected, but welcomed, LGBTQIA+ icon, Kim tells Ket about The Babadook. Ketryn’s swiss cheese memory comes in handy because, based on her final score, you’d never know she’d seen this before. Kim comes face-to-face with Babaroach and lives to tell the tale. They both discover just how accordion-like their wombs are. We hope you (that’s the rural “you”) enjoy it. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Babadook.
Dir. Jennifer Kent
Writer Jennifer Kent
Dir. Jennifer Kent
Writer Jennifer Kent
Happy Pride Month! Ket tells Kim about the LGBTQ+ representative horror film, What Keeps You Alive, starring Hannah Emily Anderson and Brittany Allen. The girls add not one, but three more types of terrifying space. Ket reminds everyone, including Kim, that Kim cannot swim for shit so that everyone can be on the alert should you find her near water. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in What Keeps You Alive.
Dir. Colin Minihan
Writer Colin Minihan
Dir. Colin Minihan
Writer Colin Minihan
Ket tells Kim about Ridley Scott’s Alien starring Sigourney Weaver. The girls kick off by talking about Mare of Easttown (SPOILER ALERT). The girls confirm that their least favorite kind of space is definitely SPACE space, with snow space and underwater space tied for second. Just like Goldilocks, the girls have to decide on just the right ship. But instead of 3 bears it's ONE GIANT ALIEN! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Alien.
Dir. Ridley Scott
Writer Dan O’Bannon
Dir. Ridley Scott
Writer Dan O’Bannon
Ket tells Kim about the 2 hour and 28 minute Zack Snyder cut of Army of the Dead starring Dave Bautista and Tig Notaro. The fellas from Entourage make an appearance. The girls learn just how cheugy they really are. All while Ket keeps track of the most important parts of the movie to skip to in this 2 HOUR AND 28 MINUTE MOVIE. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Army of the Dead.
Dir. Zack Snyder
Writer Zack Snyder
Dir. Zack Snyder
Writer Zack Snyder
Kim tells Ket about another 1972 classic, Blacula, starring William Marshall, Vonetta McGee and Denise Nicholas. The girls coin a far more appropriate nickname for Dracula the Douchebag. They contemplate the (not)hide-a-keys of the 70’s as well as wonder how anyone made plans ever. They also extend a formal invitation to their necks. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Blacula.
Dir. William Crain
Writers Joan Torres, Raymond Koenig
Dir. William Crain
Writers Joan Torres, Raymond Koenig
Ket tells Kim about the 1972 Christopher Lee/ Peter Cushing team-up, Horror Express. It also stars “The Cheshire Cat” from the 1985 TV Movie Alice in Wonderland, much to Ketryn’s delight. The girls coin a new term that will, undoubtedly, be used by and to describe Ketryn often: “hearthbagging.” They also determine that Satan has also read Neil Strauss’ early-aught bestseller, The Game, to neg monks. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die on the Horror Express.
Dir. Eugenio Martin
Writers Arnaud d’Usseau, Julian Zimet
Dir. Eugenio Martin
Writers Arnaud d’Usseau, Julian Zimet
Kim tells Ket about Lucky, starring Brea Grant and directed by Natasha Kermani. The girls get real about where they would truly find themselves at the end of a horror movie. It’s not “dead” but it rhymes with “my me mu.” They also determine their social anxiety safe word. So put up your devil ears and let’s get Lucky. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Lucky.
Dir. Natasha Kermani
Writer Brea Grant
Dir. Natasha Kermani
Writer Brea Grant
Ket tells Kim about the ridiculous and delightful 2004 romp, Club Dread, starring Bill Paxton, Britney Daniel and the guys of Broken Lizard. The girls ponder the intricacies of nipple play. They decide to team up to do their haunting and run into yet another homonym problem all while watching this remake of John Carpenter’s The Thing. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Club Dread.
Dir. Jay Chandrasekhar
Writers Broken Lizard
Dir. Jay Chandrasekhar
Writers Broken Lizard
Kim tells Ket about the Shudder original, Anything for Jackson, starring Sheila McCarthy and Julian Richings. Ketryn contemplates what she’d ask the Devil to grant her, if given the opportunity. Spoiler alert: it’s crows. An army of them. Kim embodies the algorithm robot for a short time but is back now. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Anything for Jackson.
Dir. Justin G. Dyck
Writer Keith Cooper
Dir. Justin G. Dyck
Writer Keith Cooper
Ket tells Kim about Lights Out, starring Teresa Palmer, Alexander DiPersia and Maria Bello, based on the short film by David F. Sandberg. Ketryn denies claims that she beats Kim with a switch for each point she does not get, despite Kim’s panic over the score. They determine the 3 most important times of day and Ketryn is forced to relive her most embarrassing moment to date. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Lights Out.
Dir. David F. Sandberg
Writers Eric Heisserer, David F. Sandberg
Dir. David F. Sandberg
Writers Eric Heisserer, David F. Sandberg
Kim tells Ket about the Dread release starring Chet Siegel, Ruby McCollister, Jeff Riddle and David Littleton, Uncle Peckerhead. The girls deliberate on what time of day it is or is not appropriate to eat Metalheads. Kim sets Ket straight on which of them is more likely to be “stand-down-McClaned.” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Uncle Peckerhead.
Dir. Matthew John Lawrence
Writer Matthew John Lawrence
Dir. Matthew John Lawrence
Writer Matthew John Lawrence
Ket tells Kim about the new release starring heartthrob, Devon Sawa, Hunter, Hunter (canvanow on Hulu.) Ketryn has a very specific ulterior motive for doing this one besides just wanted to watch bear Daddy Devon. The girls also learn about which animals just love to catch a sweet summer tan on their beach bods and where is and is not Kim’s kitchen. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Hunter, Hunter.
Dir. Shawn Linden
Writer Shawn Linden
Dir. Shawn Linden
Writer Shawn Linden
Kim tells Ket about Oculus starring Karen Gillan, Brenton Thwaites, Katee Sackhoff and Lucas from Empire Records, Rory Cochrane. Ketryn goes all Peter Pettigrew on us and Kim contemplates what she wants written on her epità while Ketryn is more concerned with what she wants on her epitaph. We also learn that Kim may be dealing with an Oculus situation, given her rowdy mirrors and dead plants. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Oculus.
Dir. Mike Flanagan
Writer Mike Flanagan, Jeff Howard
Dir. Mike Flanagan
Writer Mike Flanagan, Jeff Howard
Ket tells Kim about The House on Sorority Row starring Eileen Davidson and Kate McNeil. The girls relay the powers of Carol’s post-it to their Sammies. They both attempt to learn the return policy for people. Kim plays an entirely different movie in her head with a marching band and murderers IDed by their Ann Taylor Loft clothing tags. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The House on Sorority Row.
Dir. Mark Rosman
Writers Mark Rosman, Bobby Fine
Dir. Mark Rosman
Writers Mark Rosman, Bobby Fine
Kim tells Ket about Attack the Block starring John Boyega, Nick Frost and Emily Mortimer… I mean, Jodie Whittaker! Demon Jerry stops by for a quick chat. The girls contemplate their sidecast honoring My Cousin Vinny. They also establish a very important friend rule: never cry alien. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Attack the Block.
Dir. Joe Cornish
Writer Joe Cornish
Dir. Joe Cornish
Writer Joe Cornish
Ket tells Kim about Antebellum starring Janelle Monae and Jena Malone. Ketryn takes a stand about the type of movie she wants to do for her next episode and Kim finds herself, yet again, covered in creepy crap. They also cover things that were and were not invented during the Civil War and both girls convert to the church of Gabourey Sidibe. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Antebellum.
Dir. Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz
Writers Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz
Dir. Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz
Writers Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz
Kim tells Ket about the 4th installment of Freddy’s nonsense in honor of Arik’s belated birthday! It stars the poor man’s Patricia Arquette, Tuesday Knight and, of course, Robert Englund. Kim expands her folly repertoire with a spot on impressions of knife fingers stabbing into flesh. And Ketryn tries to “out Freddy” Freddy. It goes… poorly. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master.
Dir. Renny Harlin
Writers Wes Craven, William Kotzwinkle, Brian Helgeland, Jim Wheat & Ken Wheat
Dir. Renny Harlin
Writers Wes Craven, William Kotzwinkle, Brian Helgeland, Jim Wheat & Ken Wheat
Ket tells Kim about the real-life horror of Emerald Fennell’s Promising Young Woman starring Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham and Laverne Cox. What an episode to close out #WomenInHorrorMonth! The girls then discuss this timely masterpiece (yeah, we said masterpiece) with the Mother of Uterus Horror, herself, Molly Henery. The girls get their second dose in a row of their beloved Adam Brody being a real douche and they also have one of the most important discussions they’ve ever had on the show. I’m not going to lie… we are really proud to put this episode out into the world. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Promising Young Woman.
Dir. Emerald Fennell
Writer Emerald Fennell
Dir. Emerald Fennell
Writer Emerald Fennell
Kim tells Ket about the 2009 Jennifer’s Body starring Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried and Adam Brody. After that, the girls fangirl out over getting to talk to Caitlin Durante of The Bechdel Cast Podcast. The girls revisit all the bands they boned in 2009 and all the bandanas they wore as belts. While they talk to Caitlin, Ketryn goes full “schoolmarm” about the pop quiz for their #Sammies. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Jennifer’s Body.
Dir. Karyn Kusama
Writer Diablo Cody
Dir. Karyn Kusama
Writer Diablo Cody
Ket tells Kim about Raw starring Garance Marillie and Ella Rumpf. After that, the girls have the privilege of sinking our teeth a little deeper into it with Ky Fields of KyFX group and literally like 6 million other things (click links below for this prolific Queen). None of them knew that Vet School went so hard and Ketryn gives into her true fuddy duddiness. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Raw.
Dir. Julia Ducournau
Writer Julia Ducournau
Dir. Julia Ducournau
Writer Julia Ducournau
Kim tells Ket about the classic H.P. Lovecraft tale, Re-Animator (1985), starring Barbara Crampton, Jeffrey Combs and Bruce Abbott. We’re kicking off #WomenInHorrorMonth #WiHM with a bang! Along with our regular episode where the girls confront things like “where is Zurich?” and “What are the differences between a ‘Father’ and a ‘Daddy’?”, stay tuned to the end of the episode where the girls gab with the Queen, herself, Barbara Crampton about being a woman in horror and her new film Sacrifice (out February 9th)! It’s a doozy! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Re-animator.
Dir. Stuart Gordon
Writer H.P. Lovecraft, Dennis Paoli, William Norris, Stuart Gordon
Dir. Stuart Gordon
Writer H.P. Lovecraft, Dennis Paoli, William Norris, Stuart Gordon
Ket tells Kim about Patron pick Gretel and Hansel starring Sophia Lillis, Samuel Leakey and Alice Krige. The girls confirm whether or not they are cake people or ice cream people. They also have to do a ton of age conversions which has never been their strength and Kim makes a final and fruitless plea for Ketryn to stop smelling her. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Gretel and Hansel.
Dir. Oz Perkins
Writer Rob Hayes
Dir. Oz Perkins
Writer Rob Hayes
Kim tells Ket about Pyewacket starring Laurie Holden and Nicole Muñoz. Sebastian (yes, the crab from The Little Mermaid) makes an appearance. We also meet Barry the Witch and the girls debut their new podcast: Vowels, AmIRIght? They also review Kim’s birth plan. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Pyewacket.
Dir. Adam McDonald
Writer Adam McDonald
Dir. Adam McDonald
Writer Adam McDonald
Ket tells Kim about the 2005 Cursed starring everyone and anyone who was anyone in 2005. We’ve got Christina Ricci. We’ve got Joshua Jackson. We’ve got Jesse Eisenberg and so many more! First and foremost, the girls clear up the height discrepancy of each character. They spill the tea on dirty floor babies and the science of Were-STDs. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Cursed.
Dir. Wes Craven
Writer Kevin Williamson
Dir. Wes Craven
Writer Kevin Williamson
Kim tells Ket about the Netflix release His House, starring Sope Dirisu, Wunmi Mosaku, Malaika Wakoli-Abigaba. It’s a very educational episode in which the girls explore exactly where Mitch McConnell’s mother conceived him, the dangers of hearing a disembodied “mama?” and how to (not) adopt a pet wall bird. In addition, this is a breathtaking movie that everyone should watch. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in His House.
Dir. Remi Weekes
Writer Remi Weekes; Story by Felicity Evans and Toby Venables
Dir. Remi Weekes
Writer Remi Weekes; Story by Felicity Evans and Toby Venables
Ket tells Kim about the 2020 release starring Vince Vaughn and Katherine Newton, Freaky. Ket gives Kim one final Christmas present: the perfect and most Kimmiest kill of all kills and it is glorious! Ketryn also dives head first into her Vince Vaughn Daddy fantasies and it gets… uncomfortable. But it couldn’t be helped. It simply… couldn’t be helped. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Freaky.
Dir. Christopher Landon
Writers Christopher Landon, Michael Kennedy
Dir. Christopher Landon
Writers Christopher Landon, Michael Kennedy
Kim tells Ket about the holiday Patreon pick, Better Watch Out, starring Olivia DeJonge, Levi Miller, Ed Oxenbould. Sweet baby Cole, Luke is not. The girls find yet another example of a creepy crapbag kid that needs to be returned and put back to factory settings. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Better Watch Out. The girls also implore their listeners to be their mouths and tell a friend.
Dir. Chris Peckover
Writers Zach Kahn
Dir. Chris Peckover
Writers Zach Kahn
Ket tells Kim about the Stephen King classic, Misery, starring themselves - I mean, Kathy Bates and James Caan. They are still unclear about strike anywhere matches and it continues to plague them. The girls also don’t discount the option to just marry your captor. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Misery
Dir. Rob Reiner
Writers Stephen King, William Goldman
Dir. Rob Reiner
Writers Stephen King, William Goldman
Kim tells Ket about the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre starring Marilyn Burns and Gunnar Hansen. Kim makes a very firm statement about Sally Hardesty and we stand by it. The girls manage to solve the mystery of how many wheels an… 18 wheeler has. So let’s float around like 100 yr. old babies. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Dir. Tobe Hooper
Writers Kim Hinkel, Tobe Hooper
Dir. Tobe Hooper
Writers Kim Hinkel, Tobe Hooper
Ket tells Kim about her birthday pick, Audition, starring Ryo Ishibashi, Eihi Shiina and Tetsu Sawaki. The most pressing thing about this episode is that we will officially be holding an audition to find Kim’s husband and I am sure nothing will go wrong and it’ll be just fine. So hold onto your china, the emotional bulls are comin’ through. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will stay alive in Audition.
Dir. Takashi Miike
Writers Ryu Murakami, Daisuke Tengan
Dir. Takashi Miike
Writers Ryu Murakami, Daisuke Tengan
Kim tells Ket about the Thanksgiving classic (they said the word Thanksgiving like two whole times, ok?) Escape Room starring Taylor Russell, Logan Miller and Jay Ellis. Ketryn has a very revealing moment as Kim describes a library, complete with a fancy hearth, to her in titillating detail. Kim also learns that Ketryn doesn’t understand how tall rooms are and Kim’s death monologue is… surprising. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Escape Room.
Dir. Adam Robitel
Writers Bragi F. Schut, Maria Melnik
Dir. Adam Robitel
Writers Bragi F. Schut, Maria Melnik
Ket tells Kim about Ghost Ship Starring Julianna Marguiles and Gabriel Byrne. Gabriel Byrne obviously appears in a black wool peacoat as his rider clearly states. As per any horror movie comedy podcast the girls talk politics, stand-up comedy specials and Great British Baking Show. But then they dive head first into the depths of the terrifying ocean to learn important life lessons about ghosts and gold while actively not trying to trigger Kim’s 80’s ghost boyfriend. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Ghost Ship.
Dir. Steve Beck
Writer Mark Hanlon
Dir. Steve Beck
Writer Mark Hanlon
Kim tells Ket about the third installment of their journey through Friday the 13th with part 3 in 3D starring Dana Kimmell, Tracie Savage, and Richard Brooker. And we finally get some hockey mask up in this piece! Ket learns that being the daughter of a horse girl is really gonna come in handy when barn science is needed. The girls also really hope there is a chiropractor at Crystal Lake. So let’s stroke the fire, #sammies! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Friday the 13th Part 3 (3D).
Dir. Steve Miner
Writers Martin Kitrosser, Carol Watson
Dir. Steve Miner
Writers Martin Kitrosser, Carol Watson
Ket tells Kim about Idle Hands starring the longest running dude on her wall: Devon Sawa. It also stars business mogul, Jessica Alba, along with Seth Green and Vivica A. Fox. Despite their decades long friendship, our girls continue to learn about each other and Ketryn learns that Kim’s expertise in having sex with cars extends to monster trucks. We’ll also meet the cousin of Heavy Metal Jeff from Porno: Heavy Metal Randy. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Idle Hands.
Dir. Rodman Flender
Writers Terri Hughes Burton, Ron Milbauer
Dir. Rodman Flender
Writers Terri Hughes Burton, Ron Milbauer
Kim tells Ket about Christine based on the novel by Stephen King. In honor of the season, the girls’ patrons got to vote on a flick from the Duke of Halloween himself: John Carpenter. Ket get’s “judgey” about the terror-factor of the name Christine. Kim reflects on how the pandemic has resulted in a lot of honking of one’s own horn. While both girls make some very strong and very (in)accurate assumptions about dudes who are into cars. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Christine.
Dir. John Carpenter
Writers Stephen King, Bill Phillips
Dir. John Carpenter
Writers Stephen King, Bill Phillips
Ket tells Kim about The Guest starring Dan Stevens and Maika Monroe. Ket picked it to ogle Dan Stevens and that mission… was accomplished. You know what mission wasn’t accomplished? Filming the right scenes in order for Kim to share in the ogling. Apologies all around. The girls also discuss how they would like to be strangled and Ket literally needs a cold shower. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Guest.
Dir. Adam Wingard
Writer Simon Barrett
Dir. Adam Wingard
Writer Simon Barrett
Kim tells Ket about the sexual romp Ravenous starring Guy Pearce, Robert Carlyle and David Arquette. THEN our girls Bianca and Ashley over at the incredible podcast Creep it Real join the girls to discuss the movie AND the real life event that inspired the movie. Don’t forget to go and listen to their full episode on Alferd Packer. It’s significantly less sexy than what we got goin’ on with this movie but fascinating nonetheless! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Ravenous
Dir. Antonia Bird
Writer Ted Griffin
Dir. Antonia Bird
Writer Ted Griffin
Ket tells Kim about the Shudder Original Spiral starring Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, Ari Cohen and Jennifer Laporte. The girls argue over the use of the term diddy bag (YES - IT’S REAL!). They both realize their superpowers would only be useful in very specific and rare circumstances. Lastly, has anyone been able to find Jane Austen’s 80’s Aerobics VHS on Ebay? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Spiral.
Dir. Kurtis David Harder
Writers Colin Minihan, John Poliquin
Dir. Kurtis David Harder
Writers Colin Minihan, John Poliquin
Kim tells Ket about the OG Saw starring Cary Elwes, Leigh Whannell and everyone's favorite detective, Danny Glover. The girls announce that they'll be immortalized as Funko Pop dolls for one lucky patron. They also immediately solve who Jigsaw is: Prince Humperdink. So guard your brain houses because you're a jail person. Most importantly, we'll learn if Ket will live or die in Saw.
Dir. James Wan
Writers Leigh Whannell, James Wan
Dir. James Wan
Writers Leigh Whannell, James Wan
Ket tells Kim about Soulmate in honor of Women Directors Month starring Anna Walton, Tom Wisdom and Tanya Myers. Ketryn applies for a new position that she created and hired herself for. Kim gets to really test out this ghost boyfriend thing but it’s really hard to see red flags when they’re ghost-lucent. And as usual, they offend every british person with their subpar british accents. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Soulmate.
Dir. Axelle Carolyn
Writer Axelle Carolyn
Dir. Axelle Carolyn
Writer Axelle Carolyn
Kim tells Ket about the Netflix original 1BR starring Nicole Brydon Bloom, Giles Matthey and Taylor Nichols. The girls will determine that there are two types of people in this world: nightgown people and bikini people. Which are you? They discover that Kim’s chainsaw sound skills transfer almost seamlessly to bagpipe sound skills. They’ll both “vag up” and determine that parking tickets and toxic dudes are a rite of passage when you move to LA. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in 1BR.
Dir. David Marmor
Writer David Marmor
Dir. David Marmor
Writer David Marmor
Ket tells Kim about the shudder original The Shed, starring Jay Jay Warren, Cody Kostro, and Sofia Happonen. The girls are joining and opening for several bands and shan’t let their complete lack of musical prowess to deter them. Ket will be forced to place Kim in a time out - no LOVE ISLAND! But then she’ll need to build a russian shed doll shed. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Shed.
Dir. Frank Sabatella
Writers Jason Rice and Frank Sabatella
Dir. Frank Sabatella
Writers Jason Rice and Frank Sabatella
Kim tells Ket about Daniel Isn't Real starring Miles Robbins and Patrick Schwarzenegger. So come join our very exclusive cult that no one is allowed to join. The entrance fee is making Ketryn cry with a chainsaw sound. Then you have to tell us our memes are funny and then if you pass, you'll be rewarded with a Cheesy Gordita Crunch. Most importantly, we'll learn if Ket will live or die in Daniel Isn't Real.
Dir. Adam Egypt Mortimer
Writers Brian Deleeuw, Adam Egypt Mortimer
Dir. Adam Egypt Mortimer
Writers Brian Deleeuw, Adam Egypt Mortimer
Ketryn tells Kim about The Frighteners starring Michael J. Fox (national treasure), Trini Alvarado (not Andi McDowell), Dee Wallace (ET’s Mom), and Jake Busey (Gary Busey’s kid). Kim has adopted a new pet that won’t infringe upon her lease because it’s a ghost - a ghost dog. We discover one of Ketryn’s areas of expertise: fender benders. They also make an addition to their merch store: branded holy water guns! Get’em while they're hot! Seriously, should we sell those? The girls also REALLY need Milton to find his OWN story! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Firghteners.
Dir. Peter Jackson
Writer Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson
Dir. Peter Jackson
Writer Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson
Kim tells Ket about The Curious Case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt! (Just kidding! What is our podcast?) It’s Sam Raimi’s Drag Me to Hell starring Alison Lohman and Justin Long. As always, if you add Kim and Ket together, you get one full person and that person’s name is Mary Tyler Moore. The girls also have some questions for Sam Raimi and his mouth horror. What’s goin’ on, bud? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Drag Me to Hell.
Dir. Sam Raimi
Writers Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi
Dir. Sam Raimi
Writers Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi
Ket tells Kim about the film taking Shudder by storm, Host, starring Haley Bishop, Jemma Moore, Emma Louise Webb, Radina Drandova and Caroline Ward. Kim really changes her tune about a Cinq Seance by the end of this one. She can now be found floating in a baptism pool, filled with salt, for the rest of her existence. The girls get into a small tiff when Ketryn learns that Kim has no intention of tattooing her ashes in her when she’s gone. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Host.
Dir. Rob Savage
Writers Gemma Hurley, Rob Savage, Jed Shepherd
Dir. Rob Savage
Writers Gemma Hurley, Rob Savage, Jed Shepherd
Kim tells Ket about Child’s Play starring Chris Sarandon, Catherine Hicks and Alex Vincent. The girls explore the benefit of putting kids on leashes and Ketryn warns against buying your children toys they want. There is apparently a macheted Jason man roaming Glendale and we discover what three things would summon the girls’ spirits. Most importantly, we learn if Ket will live or die in Child’s Play (1988).
Dir. Tom Holland
Writer Don Mancini
Dir. Tom Holland
Writer Don Mancini
Ket tells Kim about Teeth starring Jess Wiexler. This is a pick from our Patrons over at Patreon and it was… a doozy. (Trigger warnings abound!) The girls explain vampire doors, dick vampires, and evoke the powers of evolution and earth to insure their female descendants be blessed with toothed vaginas for the good of humanity. So let’s blow our smoke snacks and police our boning. BONG! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Teeth.
Dir. Mitchell Lichtenstein
Writer Mitchell Lichtenstein
Dir. Mitchell Lichtenstein
Writer Mitchell Lichtenstein
Kim tells Ket about Lyle starring Gaby Hoffman and Ingrid Jungermann (Bergman?). They unveil their new podcast all about the riveting world of chairs and they try to get to the bottom of what they could have possibly done to piss off the mosquitos. They discuss the anatomical anomalies of ghost conceptions and ghost babies. And they debate whether or not the devil is a feminist. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Lyle.
Dir. Stewart Thorndike
Writer Stewart Thorndike
Dir. Stewart Thorndike
Writer Stewart Thorndike
Kim and Ket recount 100 episodes of laughter, friendship and staying alive… maybe. Thanks to their #Sammies, they’ve made it this far and have no intention of stopping! The girls recount their favorite moments and hear voicemails from Sammies who chime in with their slayiest moments as well. Kim and Ket also announce a new Patreon tier benefit! All patrons will get a video link to the filming of THIS recording. And going forward, all #NancyThompsons and above will have access to (at least) one video recorded episode per month! So you can SEE with your earballs or LISTEN with your eyeballs… whichever gets you yer gettins’! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim AND Ket will live or die in episode 100 of Kim and Ket Stay Alive… Maybe.
Edited by Arik Martin
Clips compiled by The Girls, Arik, and Alison Trumbull
Edited by Arik Martin
Clips compiled by The Girls, Arik, and Alison Trumbull
Ket tells Kim about The People Under the Stairs starring Brandon Quinten Adams, A.J. Langer and Ving Rhames. This movie turned Kim into a straight-up, wet robot (what???). We explore when it is and isn’t appropriate to call people ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy.’ Spoiler alert: it’s ONLY when these people have birthed you! It also becomes clear that Ketryn does not know what shotguns sound like. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The People Under the Stairs.
Dir. Wes Craven
Writer Wes Craven
Dir. Wes Craven
Writer Wes Craven
Kim tells Ket about The Final Girls starring Malin Akerman, Taissa Farmiga and literally everyone else. Ket starts off the telling by offending their large Gertrude population. We also get to the bottom of Kim’s slow slide into full british jargon. There is also another glaring difference between the girls’ brains. But they both still ugly cried at this movie. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Final Girls.
Dir. Todd Strauss-Schulson
Writers M.A. Fortin, Joshua John Miller
Dir. Todd Strauss-Schulson
Writers M.A. Fortin, Joshua John Miller
Ket tells Kim about The Lighthouse starring Willem Dafoe (Jesus) and Rob Pattinson (Cedric Diggory). We start off the episode with Kim’s harrowing journey to the Coachella for ants. Then we segue into what inanimate objects one should fornicate with. The mystery of the mergina is FINALLY solved. But Kim is still less than enthused by the end of it all. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Lighthouse.
Dir. Robert Eggers
Writers Robert Eggers, Max Eggers
Dir. Robert Eggers
Writers Robert Eggers, Max Eggers
Kim tells Ket about The Invisible Man (2020) starring Elizabeth Moss. In quarantine, Ketryn has become a full blown goldfish with a 3 second memory. But they do coin a new phrase: The Sammarmy. They protect the girls from a litany of internet trolls and they’re so grateful. So join The Patron Saint of Music and Edward Meat Tenderizer hands. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Invisible Man.
Dir. Leigh Whannell
Writer Leigh Whannell
Dir. Leigh Whannell
Writer Leigh Whannell
Ket tells Kim about Slaughterhouse Rulez starring Michael Sheen and Simon Pegg. It should have been Harry Potter meets horror. Instead it was confusion meets indigestion. Kim ends up having to carry her own donkey the final stretch and Ketryn gets sucked into her own personal Adam Scott Mandela Effect. In this time of perpetual turmoil, we all just want a pint of ice cream but that doesn’t mean you won’t get the bloats. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Slaughterhouse Rulez.
Dir. Crispian Mills
Writers Crispian Mills, Henry Fitzherbert
Dir. Crispian Mills
Writers Crispian Mills, Henry Fitzherbert
Kim tells Ket about The Lodge starring Riley Keough. The girls find them in a purgatory-like, snow space yet again. We learn that Kim’s 80’s ghost has been cheating on her and is engaged. Speaking of ghosts, the girls weigh in on who would be a better lay: ghost or demon? They’ll also discuss the venn diagram of their subsequent interests and discover that neither of them may be cut out for step-mommery. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Lodge.
Dir. Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz
Writers Sergio Casci, Veronika Franz
Dir. Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz
Writers Sergio Casci, Veronika Franz
Ket tells Kim about The Ritual starring Rafe Spall, Arsher Ali, Robert James-Collier and Sam Troughton. Kim teaches us all the British slang she’s learned over the years being a “right slag.” They try to decipher who each of their friends would be on this Lad’s Holiday that they would never go on (Kris is Dom). The girls also get a visit from The Village People. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Ritual.
Dir. David Bruckner
Writers Joe Barton, Adam Nevill
Dir. David Bruckner
Writers Joe Barton, Adam Nevill
Kim tells Ket about The Conjuring 2 starring Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson. The girls discuss the Mandela Effect (which I could swear they’ve discussed before - but maybe that was in an alternate universe… like the one where Berenstein Bears is spelled wrong.) We get a glimpse into Ketryn’s troubling parenting ethos and we vow to burn all recliners. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Conjuring 2.
Dir. James Wan
Writers Chad Hayes, Carey W. Hayes, David Leslie Johnson, James Wan
Dir. James Wan
Writers Chad Hayes, Carey W. Hayes, David Leslie Johnson, James Wan
Ket tells Kim about the Fangoria film, Porno, starring Jillian Mueller, Robbie Tan, Larry Saperstein, Glenn Scott, and Evan Daves. Welp, the girls wanted to see more dick. Man, did they get it. Yeesh! But besides that, the girls want to remind you to shower before you go through the pearly gates of Heaven and to make sure you provide Heavy Metal Jeff with a death certificate of your loved ones. Most importantly… CBTLA. Most, MOST importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will stay alive in Porno.
Dir. Keola Racela
Writer Matt Black, Laurence Vannicelli
Dir. Keola Racela
Writer Matt Black, Laurence Vannicelli
Kim tells Ket about Slumber Party Massacre (thanks to their amazing Patrons!) starring Michelle Michaels and Robin Stille. It starts off rocky. They forget to cheers and therefore have to start the episode over and then Ketryn almost kills Kim with a crotch shot. They search, in vain, for a dick and the search is lead by a horny, 29 yr. Old pre-teen. But at least pizza is $6… oh, wait. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Slumber Party Massacre.
Dir. Amy Holden Jones
Writer Rita Mae Brown
Dir. Amy Holden Jones
Writer Rita Mae Brown
Ket tells Kim about Harpoon starring Munro Chambers, Christopher Gray and Emily Tyra. The girls are still in quarantine and they’re gettin’ weird with it. Ket is buying too many pillows, getting weighed against her will, and erecting a gauntlet for Kim’s suitors. Kim is existing outside of space and time and all that exists for her is the here and now… apparently. So let’s drink some seagulls and start catchin’ blood drops with our tongues. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Harpoon.
Dir. Rob Grant
Writer Rob Grant, Mike Kovac
Dir. Rob Grant
Writer Rob Grant, Mike Kovac
Kim tells Ket about Tucker & Dale vs. Evil starring Tyler Labine, Alan Tudyk and Katrina Bowden. The most important lesson we can learn is that being named Chad is not your fault… not changing your name, is. The girls reiterate the importance of learning where the safety is on ALL GUNS. And Ket changes the theme of Kim’s hypothetical wedding to a “Tucker & Dale” theme. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Tucker & Dale vs. Evil.
Dir. Eli Craig
Writer Eli Craig, Morgan Jurgenson
Dir. Eli Craig
Writer Eli Craig, Morgan Jurgenson
Ket tells Kim about Repo (not man)! The Genetic Opera starring Anthony Head, Paul Sorvino and Bill Moseley. It’s their first remote recording since that quarantine life began and they miss each other’s faces. The girls contemplate starting the KKSAM band. Ketryn goes through a very complicated ‘Giles’ journey and they realize that sometimes the only solution is to just head straight to the moon. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Repo! The Genetic Opera.
Dir. Darren Lynn Bousman
Writer Darren Smith, Terrence Zdunich
Dir. Darren Lynn Bousman
Writer Darren Smith, Terrence Zdunich
Kim tells Ket about Bliss starring Dora Madison, Jeremy Gardner and our buddy Graham Skipper. Let the girls transport you back to a far simpler time when we could leave our house and all we had to worry about was vampires on bath salts eating our faces. Kim will learn she can ‘sit some out’, Ket will learn she’s far too anal about rent to do drugs and neither will learn the difference between a joint, a spliff and a blunt. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Bliss.
Dir. Joe Begos
Writer Joe Begos
Dir. Joe Begos
Writer Joe Begos
Ket tells Kim about Patreon Pick, A Tale of Two SIsters starring Soo-Jung Lim and Guen-Young Moon. The girls begin to process the world-wide quarantine (WASH YOUR HANDS AND STAY HOME!) and bring you some little positivities to help you get through. They also discuss the origin of hands and what games they’ll be playing in the nursing home together. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in A Tale of Two Sisters.
Dir. Jee-woon Kim
Writer Jee-woon Kim
Dir. Jee-woon Kim
Writer Jee-woon Kim
Kim tells Ket about A Quiet Place (FINALLY) starring Emily Blunt and John Krasinski. What better way to brave the apocalypse than by watching a movie about the apocalypse? The girls decide that they need to beat the crap out of each other to see how quiet they can be. We also learn that anyone in Arik’s tribe during a quiet apocalypse will be immediately dead. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in A Quiet Place
Dir. John Krasinski
Writers Scott Beck, Bryan Woods, John Krasinski
Dir. John Krasinski
Writers Scott Beck, Bryan Woods, John Krasinski
Ket tells Kim about installment number 2 of the saga of Jason starring Betsy Palmer, Amy Steel and John Furey. We just gotta see how this whole “Jason thing” is playing out. Here are a couple things we learned about Jason: he is a clumsy turtle; he’s in need of a Rocky-esque training montage; he’s sporting… a burpsmap! How did you guys not tell us this?! Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim will live or die in Friday the 13th Part 2.
Dir. Steve Miner
Writers Ron Kurz, Victor Miller
Dir. Steve Miner
Writers Ron Kurz, Victor Miller
Kim tells Ket about A Dark Song starring Catherine Walker and Steve Oram. There will be a shocking reveal about who is actually more in danger of being cultified. We’ll get to the bottom of Kim and Ket’s feelings on melons… FINALLY. Also, and most importantly, may we introduce to you our new best bro, Jerry Tooneytown. Most most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in A Dark Song.
Dir. Liam Gavin
Writer Liam Gavin
Dir. Liam Gavin
Writer Liam Gavin
Ket tells Kim about Arik’s Birthday pick by The Soska Sisters, American Mary starring Katherine Elizabeth. So grab an extra turkey leg from your sutured turkeys and buckle up. It’s gonna be a bloody, slicey ride. Ketryn will acquire a new Betty Boop impression to add to her very limited repertoire. We’ll test the marketability of new candle scent: Bag of Rags and Skin. And the girls will work out the logistics of switching arms. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in American Mary.
Dir. Jen and Sylvia Soska
Writers Jen and Sylvia Soska
Dir. Jen and Sylvia Soska
Writers Jen and Sylvia Soska
Kim tells Ket about A Girls Walks Home Alone at Night starring Sheila Vand, Arash Marandi Marshall Manesh. It’s the third contribution to Women in Horror Month and our monthly Patreon pick! We’ll learn that Ketryn would be a really honest and forthright Vampire so excuse her fangs. We’ll get a visit from the spirit of Mona Lisa Vito when Kim identifies the make and model of the vintage car being driven. And no, we will not be googling it to find out if she’s correct or not. We’ll also say goodbye to Cindy. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.
Dir. Ana Lily Amirpour
Writer Ana Lily Amirpour
Dir. Ana Lily Amirpour
Writer Ana Lily Amirpour
Ket tells Kim about The Love Witch starring Samantha Robinson. We’ve got a love-addicted witch, ren-faire cosplay, jars of tampons, feminism and hot dudes. It’s basically Kim and Ket in a blender. We’ll learn many things like how to not be a turd little bird boy. We will NOT learn what Ketryn meant by ‘naked violent feet ceremony’ because she, herself, hasn’t the foggiest. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Love Witch.
Dir. Anna Biller
Writer Anna Biller
Dir. Anna Biller
Writer Anna Biller
Kim tells Ket about Tragedy Girls starring Brianna Hildebrand and Alexandra Shipp. Listen up, Erasers! Enrollment opens for Ketryn’s Female Anatomy Health class, open to boys ONLY! Y’all need to learn. We learn that Kim is a professional wooden pencil holder maker. The girls revisit their autobiographical webseries: The 3xtremes. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ketryn will live or die in Tragedy Girls.
Dir. Tyler McIntyre
Writer Tyler McIntyre, Chris Lee Hill
Dir. Tyler McIntyre
Writer Tyler McIntyre, Chris Lee Hill
Ket tells Kim about our #Sammie Patrons vote: Fright Night starring Chris Sarandon, Amanda Bearse, Roddy McDowell, William Ragsdale and the mysterious creature, Stephen Geoffreys. We learn what the absolute least sexy name is and we go on a sexual awakening journey with Amy. We’re going to go on a journey with Evil Ed too but your guess is as good as ours as to what that journey is. Oh, and Chalrey is in it too and he’s a bad boyfriend. The end. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Fright Night
Dir. Tom Holland
Writer Tom Holland
Dir. Tom Holland
Writer Tom Holland
Kim tells Ket about the gut-wrenching, critically acclaimed and award winning Parasite starring Kang-ho Sung, Sun-kyun Lee and Yeo-jeong Jo. We introduce you all to the mantra of the year: Big. Grandma. Energy. Also, who wants to pre-order our KKSAM cookbook sold on our new Goop-like lifestyle blog? Cuckoo Banana Stir-fry anyone? Whiskey mask? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Parasite.
Dir. Bong Joon Ho
Writer Bong Joon Ho
Dir. Bong Joon Ho
Writer Bong Joon Ho
Ket tells Kim about The Invitation starring Logan Marshall-Green and Tammy Blanchard. Kim revisits her budding career in the ASMR world and Ket, yet again, narrowly saves her from joining a cult. Constant vigilance! We quiz our #Sammies on some classic Ross Gellar moments and one character turns into a Spongebob Squarepants meme. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Invitation.
Dir. Karyn Kusama
Writer Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi
Dir. Karyn Kusama
Writer Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi
Kim tells Ket about Sam Raimi’s OG The Evil Dead starring the one and only Bruce mothereffin’ Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss and Richard DeManicor. The girls’ brains will officially meld into one and we’ll learn of Ketryn’s childhood turtleneck trauma. We’ll also learn two new words but never learn why Cheryl is sooo extra. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Evil Dead
Dir. Sam Raimi
Writer Sam Raimi
Dir. Sam Raimi
Writer Sam Raimi
Ket tells Kim about John Carpenter’s The Thing starring Kurt “Baby Blues” Russell, Wilford Brimley and Keith David. Ketryn braved some major animal horror (that she had previously blocked out) to bring you this episode. So let’s hold each others dicks and get stir-fried. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Thing.
Dir. John Carpenter
Writers Bill Lancaster, John W. Campbell Jr.
Dir. John Carpenter
Writers Bill Lancaster, John W. Campbell Jr.
Kim tells Ket about Anna and the Apocalypse starring Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming and Ben Wiggins. Kim’s little musical heart sang along with every note and it was contagious… just like zombie viruses. So grab your hand sanitizer and call in all the Santas. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Anna and the Apocalypse.
Dir. John McPhail
Writer Alan McDonald, Ryan McHenry
Dir. John McPhail
Writer Alan McDonald, Ryan McHenry
Ket tells Kim about the winner of our Patreon poll: Silent Night, Deadly Night starring Robert Brian Wilson, Lilyan Chauvin and Britt Leach. Put on your pajama wimples because we’re gonna have some nunspiriences. Oh! And obviously, don’t forget to let your boobs out. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Silent Night, Deadly Night.
Dir. Charles E. Sellier Jr.
Writer Michael Hickey and (based on story by) Paul Caimi
Dir. Charles E. Sellier Jr.
Writer Michael Hickey and (based on story by) Paul Caimi
Kim tells Ket about Friday the 13th starring Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King and Kevin Bacon. So, naturally, the girls discuss… the weather. And before you get all mad about how Ketryn hasn’t seen this before, remember that they couldn’t bring you this episode if she had so… YOU’RE WELCOME! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in the original Friday the 13th.
Dir. Sean S. Cunningham
Writer Victor Miller
Dir. Sean S. Cunningham
Writer Victor Miller
Ket tells Kim about the Norwegian horror Dead Snow starring Lasse Valdal, Charlotte Frogner and Vegar Hoel. So deadbolt your intestines and let’s dive into the creVASSE (Yes. That’s how it’s pronounced). We’ll revisit the unfortunate fashions of 2009, all of which the girls enthusiastically participated in. We’ll admire the elegance of the elusive giraffe bird. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Dead Snow.
Dir. Tommy Wirkola
Writers Tommy Wirkola and Stig Frode Henriksen
Dir. Tommy Wirkola
Writers Tommy Wirkola and Stig Frode Henriksen
Kim tells Ket about the (sort of) Thanksgiving horror classic You’re Next starring Sharni Vinson, Joe Swanberg and AJ Bowen. We’ll introduce you to the newest superhero: Red Flag Girl. We’ll also meet Rachel, the one who introduced us to Colin Farrel’s sex tape… you’re welcome. Then we’ll get into some real Home Alone-style security systems from a badass bitch. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in You’re Next.
Dir. Adam Wingard
Writer Simon Barrett
Dir. Adam Wingard
Writer Simon Barrett
Ket tells Kim about the demented family horror, American Gothic starring Sarah Torgov, Rod Steiger and Yvonne De Carlo. We meet an ACTUAL middle-aged child mom and Kim’s actual head explodes because “what are ages?” The girls also need to know the answer to two important questions: where the literal eff is Paul and what happens when you go “deep Barbler?” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in American Gothic.
Dir. John Hough
Writers Burt Wetanson, Michael Vines
Dir. John Hough
Writers Burt Wetanson, Michael Vines
Kim tells Ket about House of the Devil starring Jocelin Donahue, Greta Gerwig and Tom Noonan. Kim has a date with truffle parmesan fries (and ‘The Man’) to see this throwback creeper. The girls, once again, discuss the most pressing topics of the film like WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CUT A PRE-CUT PIZZA WITH A KNIFE?! WHO IS THE REAL PSYCHO HERE, SAM?! Also, if you live in the 80s, you love pizza, you’ll shoot your eye out, and your name has to be Sam. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The House of the Devil.
Dir. Ti West
Writer Ti West
Dir. Ti West
Writer Ti West
Ket tells Kim about the found footage film, The Taking of Deborah Logan, starring Jill Larson, Anne Ramsey and Michelle Ang. Kim’s got a bone to pick with Ket and she gets re-angry about Ket’s alarm clock from, like, a million years ago! Get over it! (These show notes were written by Ketryn obviously). The girls will hammer out their plans for when and if one of them shows even the slightest possible sign of anything even resembling Alzheimer’s. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Taking of Deborah Logan.
Dir. Adam Robitel
Writer Gavin Heffernan and Adam Robitel
Dir. Adam Robitel
Writer Gavin Heffernan and Adam Robitel
Kim tells Ket about the classic Night of the Living Dead starring Duane Jones and Judith O’Dea. It’s spooky Halloween and what better way to celebrate than to kill some non-trademarked zombies? So give us an Eskiball Kiss, let’s put some doors on doors and slap some sense into Barbler. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Night of the Living Dead.
Dir. George Romero
Writer John Russo
Dir. George Romero
Writer John Russo
Ket tells Kim about Orphan starring Vera Farmiga, Peter Sarsgaard and Isabelle Fuhrman. Art imitates true real-life horror as we learn yet another reason kids are terrifying… and honestly, might actually be 10 to 35 years old. We take a trip to Kim’s Village of Cups again and make a final decision on who is crowned the true Sarsgaard/Skarsgard… there can only be one. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Orphan.
Dir. Jaume Collet-Serra
Writer David Leslie Johnson
Dir. Jaume Collet-Serra
Writer David Leslie Johnson
Kim tells Ket about Halloween III: Season of the Witch starring Tom Atkins, Stacey Nelkin and Dan O’Herlihy. Join us for the Festival of Burpsmap! Michael Myers is not invited but the sexy Thomas Jeanine certainly is! So put on your best suit and get your Monday strangles in early because it’s Halloween… III! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Halloween III: Season of the Witch.
Dir. Tommy Lee Wallace
Writer Tommy Lee Wallace
Dir. Tommy Lee Wallace
Writer Tommy Lee Wallace
Ket tells Kim about Happy Birthday to Me starring Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford and Lawrence Dane. The episode begins with Kim nearly upstaging Ketryn’s birthday and making it her own death day. Rude! They’ll both fantasize about punching Etienne in the throat and Kim will proclaim her love for Bernadette. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Happy Birthday to Me.
Dir. J. Lee Thompson
Writer John C.W. Saxton and Peter Jobin
Dir. J. Lee Thompson
Writer John C.W. Saxton and Peter Jobin
Kim tells Ket about Ready or Not starring their girl Samara Weaving, Andie McDowell and Adam Brody. Kim starts by talking about the short film preceding the film about an emergency seamstress. Then we get into the movie where Samara Weaving takes off her damn heels and gets dat $$$. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Ready or Not.
Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
Writer Guy Busick, Ryan Murphy
Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
Writer Guy Busick, Ryan Murphy
Ket tells Kim about Hagazussa, Germany’s answer to The VVitch, starring Aleksandra Cwen, Celina Peter and Claudia Martini. Make sure you have an extra shot with you because shit is gettin’ 15th century fucked. Ketryn begins with murdering Kim for not having seen The Sound of Music, then the girls tell us all about Horrible Imaginings Film Festival. So grab your goats and let’s take that extra shot. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Hagazussa.
Dir. Lukas Feigelfeld
Writer Lukas Feigelfeld
Dir. Lukas Feigelfeld
Writer Lukas Feigelfeld
Kim tells Ket about House of 1000 Corpses starring Sid Haig, Sheri Moon Zombie and Bill Moseley. Let’s turn up some Hamilton and RAGE, #Sammies! We’ll learn who has a will to live and who has the will to nap. The girls will get drunk on fruit and tell us of their dream to throat-punch and bottle-stab someone. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in House of 1000 Corpses.
Dir. Rob Zombie
Writer Rob Zombie
Dir. Rob Zombie
Writer Rob Zombie
Ket tells Kim about Night of the Creeps starring Jason Lively, Tom Atkins and Steve Marshall. They take a nice long trip to Tangent Town and learn all about ASMR. They’re still not clear about Den Mothers and have a lot more questions. As always, they ask the important questions like when did “Miller Time” start? Everyone grab your dinosaur egg plums and THRILL ME! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will stay alive in Night of the Creeps
Dir. Fred Dekker
Writer Fred Dekker
Dir. Fred Dekker
Writer Fred Dekker
Kim tells Ket about The Autopsy of Jane Doe starring Emile Hirsch and Brian Cox. So get the tommy hawk, Pod! Don’t forget your mystery femur. Let’s get religualistic! We’ll learn about how Kim creeped out a room of Disney casting execs and we’ll learn how Ket creeped out everyone by saying she’d like a body to autopsy for her birthday. So open up your heart and let the sun shine in. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in The Autopsy of Jane Doe.
Dir. Andre Ovredal
Writer Ian Goldberg, Richard Naing
Dir. Andre Ovredal
Writer Ian Goldberg, Richard Naing
Happy Anniversary, Sammies! Kim & Ket each tell an episode of Tales from the Crypt at their very first live show to commemorate one whole friggin’ year of talkin’ at ya! Kim will attempt to complete her spiritual journey by electrocuting people and Ket will attempt to murder Santa. They’ll BOTH get their gettins but most importantly, we’ll learn if both girls will live or die in Tales from the Crypt: Episodes 1 & 2.
Creator Steven Dodd
Dir. Walter Hill, Robert Zemeckis
Writer Steven Dodd, Fred Dekker.
Creator Steven Dodd
Dir. Walter Hill, Robert Zemeckis
Writer Steven Dodd, Fred Dekker.
Kim tells Ket about Spring starring Lou Taylor Pucci and Nadia Hilker. But the greatest horror may be Kim and Ketryn attempting to beatbox and freestyle. We going to learn just how prevalent ARE human tails and can Ket have one. We’ll also unite all the sluts with a jaunty chant! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Spring.
Dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorehead
Writer Justin Benson
Dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorehead
Writer Justin Benson
Ket tells Kim about this movie (?) called Killer Klowns from Outer Space starring Suzanne Snyder, Grant Cramer and John Vernon. Ketryn has challenged Pennywise to a duel and she’s tagging these assholes in. Join animatronic farmers and the dinosaurs from the 90’s sitcom Dinosaurs with clown (klown?) makeup on and let’s hop in Ketryn’s Ford Windstar with (not) Rex Manning. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim will live or die in Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
Dir. Stephen Chiodo
Writers Stephen Chiodo, Charles Chiodo
Dir. Stephen Chiodo
Writers Stephen Chiodo, Charles Chiodo
Kim tells Ket about another one of Arik’s favorites that she feels mediocre about: Jacob’s Ladder starring Tim Robbins and Elizabeth Pena. We learn that Ketryn’s 80’s kitchen ghost has returned with a new (familiar?) ear worm to implant in all of our brains and don’t ever rely on Arik to help you in a haunted nighttime cat situation. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Jacob’s Ladder.
Dir. Adrian Lyne
Writer Bruce Joel Rubin
Dir. Adrian Lyne
Writer Bruce Joel Rubin
Ket tells Kim about the new release Midsommar starring Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, Williams Jackson Harper and Will Poulter. Want to hear Kim laugh for an uncomfortable amount of time about a head exploding on a rock? You’ve come to the right place. Ketryn makes poor Arik answer for his entire species and the girls both have flashbacks to the dating breadcrumbs boys left them in their 20s. Just give girls the whole baguette or release them to get their bread elsewhere! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Midsommar.
Dir. Ari Aster
Writer Ari Aster
Dir. Ari Aster
Writer Ari Aster
Kim tells Ket about the OG It (in two parts because this bitch is long!) starring the late great John Ritter, Jonathan Brandis, and Harry Anderson (RIP to all), as well as alive Tim Curry and Seth Green. Guys, Ket did NOT get the mythology of this. She is currently on life support. Other things that should be on life support are mullet ponytails and douchebag dickhead dudes that beat people with belts. #SaveBev. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in It (1990)
Dir. Tommy Lee Wallace
Writers Stephen King, Tommy Lee Wallace and Lawrence D. Cohen
Dir. Tommy Lee Wallace
Writers Stephen King, Tommy Lee Wallace and Lawrence D. Cohen
Ket tells Kim about Netflix original The Perfection starring Allison Williams, Steven Weber and Logan Browning. Come join us in the Hearth Room and take a listen to a tale. Grab your travel meat cleavers and gum, and hear what kind of band Kim and Ketryn wish they could be in. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Perfection.
Dir. Richard Shepard
Writers Richard Shepard and Eric C. Charmelo
Dir. Richard Shepard
Writers Richard Shepard and Eric C. Charmelo
Kim tells Ket about Unsane starring Claire Foy, Joshua Leonard and Jay Pharoah. Ket will remind you why you should just stick to Starbucks on your lunch break. If you don’t you will definitely be kept against your will in an institution. Those are just facts. The girls will also introduce you to… The King. What will you do for a phone? Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Unsane.
Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Writers Jonathan Bernstein, James Greer
Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Writers Jonathan Bernstein, James Greer
Ket tells Kim about Apostle starring Ketryn’s boyfriend, Michael Sheen and Kim’s boyfriend, Dan Stevens. We’ll be introduced to yet another Burpsmap. We’ll have a lesson in ordering cheesesteaks and roman numerals and we’ll learn a new vocab word. Kim is still looking for the bar but, most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Apostle.
Dir. Gareth Evans
Writer Gareth Evans
Dir. Gareth Evans
Writer Gareth Evans
Kim tells Ket about the “classic” horror movie, that was surely nominated for several Oscars, starring Felissa Rose, Jonathan Tiersten and Karen Fields. In this film, boobs are VIP tickets to the Boy Circle and Kim has backstage passes… Ket was, is, and always will be looking for scalpers in the parking lot. Nick Santa Croce, this one’s for you! Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket will live or die in Sleepaway Camp.
Dir. Robert Hiltzik
Writer Robert Hiltzik
Dir. Robert Hiltzik
Writer Robert Hiltzik
Ket tells Kim about Bad Samaritan starring David Tennant, Robert Sheehan and Kerry Condon. Ketryn learns a very important lesson: David Tennant, while a near perfect human, is only mortal, after all. Kim will come as close as we’ve ever seen her to losing her complete mind and almost killing Ketryn. And both the girls will get “Geostormed.” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will love or die in Bad Samaritan.
Dir. Dean Devlin
Writer Brandon Boyce
Dir. Dean Devlin
Writer Brandon Boyce
Kim tells Ket about Poltergeist starring JoBeth Williams, Heather O’Rourke and Craig T. Nelson. I know, I know! How has Ketryn not seen this? We’ll get into it. Chill out about it. Also, did you not learn our lesson from last week? If you have kids, they WILL become haunted. We’ll also find out that in the great bracket of terrifying clowns, Pennywise may have some competition. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Poltergeist.
Dir. Tobe Hooper
Writers Steven Spielberg, Michael Grais
Dir. Tobe Hooper
Writers Steven Spielberg, Michael Grais
Ket tells Kim about Ouija: Origin of Evil starring Elizabeth Reaser, Henry Thomas, Lulu Wilson and Annalisse Basso. The girls need all #Sammies to know something: If you have kids, they WILL become haunted and they WILL find crap bags of cash in the walls. You’ve been warned. Oh! And make sure you know what you’d ask each other as code to throw off a Ouija Demon. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Ouija: Origin of Evil.
Dir. Mike Flanagan
Writers Mike Flanagan, Jeff Howard
Dir. Mike Flanagan
Writers Mike Flanagan, Jeff Howard
Kim tells Ket about Emelie starring Sarah Bolger, Carly Adams, Joshua Rush. Our episode opens with the girls catching a case of the giggles. Kim is still on low-key (high-key?) crack due to lack of sleep. The girls coin a new mantra. (Spoiler Alert: it has to do with tits and vagina.) Ket comes to terms with her uncanny resemblance to an anxious 9 year old child. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Emelie.
Dir. Michael Thelin
Writer Richard Raymond Harry HerBeck
Dir. Michael Thelin
Writer Richard Raymond Harry HerBeck
Ket tells Kim about House of Wax starring Vincent Price, Frank Lovejoy, and Phyllis Kirk. Ket begins planning the wedding of Kim and her new Ghost Beau that lives in Ket’s kitchen. They switch gears from being a horror movie comedy podcast to a Paris Hilton/Grammar/Old Timey Musical Podcast. Y’all cool with that? Cool. They also decide that they prefer living in the era where women didn’t have to store their internal organs in their hats. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in House of Wax.
Dir. Andre DeToth
Writers Crane Wilbur, Charles Belden
Dir. Andre DeToth
Writers Crane Wilbur, Charles Belden
Kim tells Ket about Summer of ‘84. We’ll learn about when it’s appropriate to use binoculars. The girls will begin their blueprints for their Podcast Treehouse and they’ll blame everything on raccoons. They’ll also tell you the most foolproof survival tactic they’ve ever shared. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Summer of ‘84.
Dir. Francois Simard, Anouk Whissell
Writers Matt Leslie, Stephen J. Smith
Dir. Francois Simard, Anouk Whissell
Writers Matt Leslie, Stephen J. Smith
Ket tells Kim about the Jordan Peele masterpiece, Us, starring Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke, and Elisabeth Moss. We’ll learn to never hide a key in a hide-a-key. The girls will remind you that the the correct amount of time to stab someone is forever. And we’ll all want to run away from Santa Cruz, bipedally. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Us.
Dir. Jordan Peele
Writer Jordan Peele
Dir. Jordan Peele
Writer Jordan Peele
Kim tells Ket about the 2007 Spanish horror REC starring Manuela Velasco, Ferran Terraza and Jorge-Yamam Serrano. The girls will explore which alternate universe they’re currently living in based on The Mandela Effect and the correct spelling of The Berenstein (Berenstain?) Bears. Ket will journey into yet another Zombie-ish situation and she’ll mistake the spanish word for ‘I’ with an assertive New York accent. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in REC.
Dir. Jaume Balaguero, Paco Plaza
Writers Jaume Balaguero, Luiso Berdejo
Dir. Jaume Balaguero, Paco Plaza
Writers Jaume Balaguero, Luiso Berdejo
Ket tells Kim about the creepy Swedish love story of Let The Right One In starring Kare Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson, and Per Ragnar. The girls will re-acquaint themselves with everyone’s favorite crime dog: Kevin McGruff. Ket will discover her favorite defense against baddies: 30 cats! The girls will also remind you to be wary of adults who drink glasses of milk. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Let The Right One In.
Dir. Tomas Alfredson
Writer John Ajvide Lindqvist
Dir. Tomas Alfredson
Writer John Ajvide Lindqvist
Kim tells Ket about the terrifying Terrifier starring David Howard Thornton, Jenna Kanell and Samantha Scaffidi. This one was a doozy, #sammies. The girls added several entries to their survival guide. They explained the very real perils of wearing one-piece outfits in public bathrooms and they will fail at answering the question “what IS this building, though?” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Terrifier.
Dir. Damien Leone
Writer Damien Leone
Dir. Damien Leone
Writer Damien Leone
Ket tells Kim about The Forest starring Natalie Dormer and Eoin Macken. We’ll say “goodbye” to KKSAM podcast because the girls are starting a Funeral Moonbounce business that is going to be v. v. lucrative. (J.K.) The girls will find a new level of night beyond “night night”: TRIPLE NIGHT! And we’ll all meet a new member of Baby Burpsmap’s family tree. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Forest.
Dir. Jason Zada
Writers Nick Antosca, Sarah Cornwall
Dir. Jason Zada
Writers Nick Antosca, Sarah Cornwall
Kim tells Ket about the classic April Fool’s Day starring Deborah Foreman, Griffin O’Neal, and Clayton Rohner. We’ll learn that Ketryn does not like April Fools pranks… unless she’s the one playing them. The girls will tell the story of the “Birth of Cinq,” and they’ll reluctantly answer some very revealing 1986 Cosmo quiz questions. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in April Fool’s Day.
Dir. Fred Walton
Writer Danilo Bach
Dir. Fred Walton
Writer Danilo Bach
Ket tells Kim about the Shudder Original, The Witch in the Window starring Alex Draper, Charlie Tacker and Carol Stanzione.. Kim meets a KKSAM celeb from episode 10. Ket laments her inability to see whatever image was in those magic eye posters. Both girls praise the holy universe that documentation of the indiscretions of their youth was far more sparse than it is today. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Witch in the Window.
Dir. Andy Mitton
Writer Andy Mitton
Dir. Andy Mitton
Writer Andy Mitton
Kim tells Ket about the acid trip that is the Shudder exclusive, Mandy, starring Nicolas Cage (Icolas Age) and Andrea Riseborough. Ket enlists The #Sammies to join the “Keep Kim Out of a Cult” mission. Kim cannot, under any circumstances, remember the name for a crossbow. They’ll both end the episode completely high. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Mandy.
Dir. Panos Cosmatos
Writers Panos Cosmatos, Aaron Stewart-Ahn
Dir. Panos Cosmatos
Writers Panos Cosmatos, Aaron Stewart-Ahn
Ket tells Kim about Leprechaun 2 starring the charming and profesh Warwick Davis, Charlie Heath and Shevonne Durkin. The girls will find Bridget a little picky. I mean, the dating scene is a jungle out there! They’ll also discuss the exciting and polarizing topic of motorboating. And listeners will learn that one should always be armed with iron to survive. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Leprechaun 2.
Dir. Rodman Flender
Writers Mark Jones, Turi Meyer
Dir. Rodman Flender
Writers Mark Jones, Turi Meyer
Kim tells Ket about Revenge starring Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Kevin Janssens, and Vincent Colombe. As usual, they talk about the important things like what do ants eat? Are those Kim’s real legs? Is Ketryn’s husband a daytime serial killer? The girls will also add to their survival guide with fool-proof ways to stay alive like “learn to do a single pull-up.” But most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live and get revenge in… Revenge.
Dir. Coralie Fargeat
Writer Coralie Fargeat
Dir. Coralie Fargeat
Writer Coralie Fargeat
Ket tells Kim about Honeymoon (2014) starring Rose Leslie and Harry Treadaway. The girls will pay homage to the niche genre of porn known as pirate porn… that’s a thing, no? Ket will invite herself onto Kim’s honeymoon to prevent her from getting ‘aliened,’ much to Kim’s chagrin. But most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Honeymoon.
Dir. Leigh Janiak
Writer Leigh Janiak, Phil Graziadei
Dir. Leigh Janiak
Writer Leigh Janiak, Phil Graziadei
Kim tells Ket about Angel Heart starring Mickey Rourke, Robert DeNiro and Lisa Bonet, in honor of Arik’s birthday. The girls will coin a new term for that incredibly hot piece of male accoutrement with a very unfortunate name. They’ll also be introduced to Burpsmaps attorney: Winesmap. And Kim will be unfaithful to Skelefrank while Ket will look for literally any excuse to get up in Lisa Bonet’s piece. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Angel Heart.
Dir. Alan Parker
Writer Alan Parker
Dir. Alan Parker
Writer Alan Parker
Ket tells Kim about My Bloody Valentine (1981) starring Paul Kelman, Lori Hallier, Neil Affleck. The girls will recount their various reasons for Valentine’s Day-induced emotional scarring. They’ll take several trips to “BoneCon” and remind listeners that FOMO is no reason to go on a murder spree. Kim and Ket will also introduce their #Sammies to the #FinalGirls of their brand spankin’ new Patreon! Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in My Bloody Valentine.
Dir. George Mihalka
Writers Stephen A. Miller, John Beaird
Dir. George Mihalka
Writers Stephen A. Miller, John Beaird
Kim tells Ket about Hellraiser starring Ashley Laurence, Clare Higgins and Sean Chapman. Kim will barely be able to keep it in her pants over Skelefrank. Both Kim and Ket will try to say the name Larry in a sexy way… and fail… because the name is… Larry. The girls will also share some fashion tips like “put your skin on BEFORE your shirt.” Most importantly, we’ll learn if Ket will live or die in Hellraiser.
Dir. Clive Barker
Writer Clive Barker
Dir. Clive Barker
Writer Clive Barker
Ket tells Kim about Annihilation starring Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Ket will educate Kim on what she’s been missing in terms of the hotness that is Oscar Isaac. They’ll both educate all of you on the Bechdel Test. And THEY’LL be educated on tentacle blood and jurassic bear skull monsters. And all of YOU will educate Kim and Ket on where the quote “We’re all a little crazy” came from. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Annihilation.
Dir. Alex Garland
Writer Alex Garland
Dir. Alex Garland
Writer Alex Garland
Kim tells Ket about 47 Meters Down starring Mandy Moore, Claire Holt and Matthew Modine. Listen, sometimes the cables that hold the cage, protecting you from surrounding sharks, and preventing you from falling 47 meters to the ocean floor, break. Sometimes microphones break too... So get your scuba tanks and your metaphorical tits out, and let’s get our nitrogen narcosis on!
*DISCLAIMER Seriously, there were tech problems and we lost Kim’s audio. But, friend of the podcast, Brian Sharpe was able to retrieve and boost what little audio there was. It’s difficult to hear but the content was too good not to release. So bear with us and we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled recording depth next week.
Dir. Johannes Roberts
Writer Johannes Roberts, Ernest Riera
*DISCLAIMER Seriously, there were tech problems and we lost Kim’s audio. But, friend of the podcast, Brian Sharpe was able to retrieve and boost what little audio there was. It’s difficult to hear but the content was too good not to release. So bear with us and we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled recording depth next week.
Dir. Johannes Roberts
Writer Johannes Roberts, Ernest Riera
Ket tells Kim about The Exorcist 3 starring George C. Scott, Ed Flanders and Brad Dourif. We’ll confront Kim about her budding schizophrenia… or possession. It’s unclear. Fabio will make an appearance as an angel. We’ll learn the science of possession and try out a new nickname for our fans. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Detective Burns will live or die in Exorcist 3.
Dir. William Peter Blatty
Writer William Peter Blatty
Dir. William Peter Blatty
Writer William Peter Blatty
Ket tells Kim about the Netflix hit CAM starring Madeline Brewer, Patch Darragh, and Melora Walters. We’ll learn about Kim’s history of dating baby ghosts and Kim will teach us the recipe for her kid-friendly meal: spinach in milk. We’ll dive into Kim’s esteemed career as a real hand model and Ket’s failed career as a foot model. And Ket will have to explain to Kim what a DVD store is. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim will live or die in CAM.
Dir. Daniel Goldhaber
Writers Isa Mazzei, Daniel Goldhaber
Dir. Daniel Goldhaber
Writers Isa Mazzei, Daniel Goldhaber
Kim tells Ket about The Orphanage starring Belen Rueda, Fernando Cayo, and Roger Princep. Kim will adamantly tell her that ‘double ding’ just isn’t gonna happen. Stop trying to make double ding happen, Ketryn! The girls will definitely get the theme to Growing Pains stuck in your head (you're welcome!) and Ketryn will be shamed by Kim about her fear of old wooden toys. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket will live or die in The Orphanage.
Dir. Guillermo del Toro
Writer Sergio G. Sanchez
Dir. Guillermo del Toro
Writer Sergio G. Sanchez
Ket tells Kim about the 2006 remake of Black Christmas starring Lacey Chabert, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Oliver Hudson. We’ll learn about ancient pagan winter solstice rituals, the anatomy of eyeballs, and brothel laws of yore. We’ll use a new vocab word: ‘Kimming.’ But let’s be honest, both Kim AND Ket did their fair share of kimming back in the day. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Black Christmas
Dir. Glen Morgan
Writers Glen Morgan, Roy Moore
Dir. Glen Morgan
Writers Glen Morgan, Roy Moore
Kim tells Ket about Krampus starring Adam Scott, Toni Collette, and David Koechner. We’ll learn about how Ket unsuccessfully attempted to seduce Adam Scott and how Kim and Ket have every intention of seducing Toni Collette. We’ll get a horror movie within a horror movie when Ket discovers Kim’s mail pile. But most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket will live or die in Krampus.
Dir. Michael Dougherty
Writers Michael Dougherty, Todd Casey
Dir. Michael Dougherty
Writers Michael Dougherty, Todd Casey
Ket tells Kim about The Babysitter starring Judah Lewis, Samara Weaving, and Bella Thorne. Ketryn will be betrayed by Kim when she learns something about Kim’s past she’d never heard before. The girls will also learn that the award they won for the movie they made together is a very useful weapon and Ket will get a girl boner (a 'vag-oner', if you will) for a blond girl. Meanwhile, Kim will come down, strongly, on the side of ‘anti-tarantulas’. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in The Babysitter.
Dir. McG
Writer Brian Duffield
Dir. McG
Writer Brian Duffield
Kim tells Ket about Happy Death Day starring Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, and Ruby Modine. We’ll take a walk of success through Kim & Ket’s college days and learn that babies are RUTHLESS! Ket will have an emotional breakthrough as she “Ebenezer Scrooges” with a stone-cold bitch. So grab your MGPF and let’s wish Kim a Happy Death (Birth)day! Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket will live or die in Happy Death Day.
Dir. Christopher Landon
Writer Scott Lobdell
Dir. Christopher Landon
Writer Scott Lobdell
Ket tells Kim about The Wicker Man starring Nicolas Cage, Ellen Burstyn, and Leelee Sobieski. We’ll learn that there is a time limit on how long you can leave liquor with the girls before it done gets drunk… but not as drunk as poor little freshman, Sean (Don’t drink the ‘WhatNot’!). So grab your carrier pigeon as we follow ‘Icolas Age’ through Summersisle where he asks zero follow up questions. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim will live or die in The Wicker Man.
Dir. Neil LaBute
Writer Anthony Shaffer
Dir. Neil LaBute
Writer Anthony Shaffer
Kim AND Ket tell their special guest Maya Stojan about the NEW Halloween, starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Judy Greer and Andy Matichak. Though she didn’t have experience with Halloween while growing up in Switzerland, we will learn that Maya’s ruthlessness knows no limits as she out ‘final girls’ us all! They’ll reveal their complicated relationship with “The Brits” and wish a very happy birthday to the OG Scream Queen, Jamie Lee Curtis! Most importantly, we’ll find out if Maya Stojan would live or die in Halloween 2018.
Dir. David Gordon Green
Writers Jeff Fradley, Danny McBride, David Gordon Green
Dir. David Gordon Green
Writers Jeff Fradley, Danny McBride, David Gordon Green
Kim tells Ket about Train to Busan, starring Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-mi, and Ma Dong-seok. Kim will try her hand, yet again, at scaring her cyber date, Adam. We’ll get a sneak peak at the girls’ new infomercial and learn where zombies stand on gun control, all while getting our heart strings pulled by a 10 to 35 year old little girl. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket would live or die on the Train to Busan.
Dir. Sang-ho Yeon
Writer Park Joo-Suk, Yeon Sang-ho
Dir. Sang-ho Yeon
Writer Park Joo-Suk, Yeon Sang-ho
Ket tells Kim about The Purge: Election Year starring, Elizabeth Mitchell and Frank Grillo… not Jon Bernthal. Depending on the results of OUR election, this telling will either be a tale of what we narrowly avoided OR a survival guide of what’s to come for us all! In which case, grab your bedazzled machine guns and let’s get ‘schmacty!’ Most importantly, we’ll find out of Kim stays alive in The Purge: Election Year.
Dir. James DeMonaco
Writer James DeMonaco
Dir. James DeMonaco
Writer James DeMonaco
Kim tells Ket about Trick ‘r Treat, starring Anna Paquin, Brian Cox and Dylan Baker. As usual, they will refer to exactly none of the characters by their correct names and they’ll focus ONLY on the most important plot points. They’ll take a visit to a “Wok” Quarry and, most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket would live or die in Trick ‘r Treat.
Dir. Michael Dougherty
Writer Michael Dougherty
Dir. Michael Dougherty
Writer Michael Dougherty
Ket tells Kim about Suspiria (1977), starring Jessica Harper, Stefania Casini, and Flavio Bucci. We’ll get decorating tips like velvet’s not just for couches and how to give your house guests seizures! We’ll also confirm that wine IS medicine (Ket knew it!)... if your doctor is a psychopath. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim would live or die in Suspiria (1977)
Dir. Dario Argento
Writers Dario Argento, Daria Nicolodi
Dir. Dario Argento
Writers Dario Argento, Daria Nicolodi
Kim tells Ket about Halloween (2007), starring Malcolm McDowell, Tyler Mane, and Scout Taylor-Compton. We’ll find out how many times the girls can manage to bring up tacos while discussing brutal murders by an evil psychopath. They'll introduce a new character: the bell, used less for acknowledging correct answers and more for imitating classic SNL sketches. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket would live or die in Halloween (2007).
Dir. Rob Zombie
Writer Rob Zombie
Dir. Rob Zombie
Writer Rob Zombie
Ket tells Kim about Ginger Snaps. starring Emily Perkins, Katharine Isabelle and Mimi Rogers. We’ll find out how Ket can’t pick bad movies even when she tries and takes pity on Kim’s faulty picker. We’ll learn about how Kim doesn’t believe in supervising children and Ket believes they should be on a leash at all times. We’ll discuss how getting your period is just like becoming a werewolf. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim would live or die in Ginger Snaps.
Dir. John Fawcett
Writer Karen Walton
Dir. John Fawcett
Writer Karen Walton
Kim tells Ket about The Killing of a Sacred Deer, starring Nicole Kidman, Colin Farrell, and Barry Keoghan. We’ll find out how Kim faired as her own viewing partner. We’ll listen to Ket literally die of laughter (she’s a ghost now) and who Kim and Ket would kill if they had to. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket would live or die in The Killing of a Sacred Deer.
Dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
Writer Yorgos Lanthimos, Efthymis Filippou
Dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
Writer Yorgos Lanthimos, Efthymis Filippou
Ket tells Kim about Deliverance, starring the late Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, Ned Beatty and Ronny Cox. We’ll find out if Kim murders a date that she thoughts was standing her up. We’ll learn about banjo boy, how to scale the cliffs of insanity, and Ketryn’s new found love with Burt Reynolds’ arms. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim will live or die in Deliverance.
Dir. John Boorman
Writer James Dickey
Dir. John Boorman
Writer James Dickey
Kim tells Ket about The Open House, starring Dylan Minnette and Piercey Dalton. We’ll find out if Ket has improved her staying alive skills. We’ll learn about Kim’s cyber date, with a Horror Movie virgin, and what to wear to a black tie bedtime. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket will live or die in The Open House.
Dir. Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote
Writers Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote
Dir. Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote
Writers Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote
Ket tells Kim about The Skeleton Key, starring Kate Hudson, Peter Sarsgaard, Gena Rowlands and John Hurt. We’ll learn why Kim and Ket have brainwashed all their friends into mispronouncing the French word for ‘five.’ Kim will decide she’s NEVER going to work for Ket. And through very scientific methods they will determine what it would be like to sleep with Peter Sarsgaard. Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim will live or die in The Skeleton Key.
Dir. Iain Softley
Writer Ehren Kruger
Dir. Iain Softley
Writer Ehren Kruger
Kim tells Ket about I am the Pretty Thing that Lives in the House, starring Ruth Wilson, Paula Prentiss, and Bob Balaban. We’ll also get Part 2 of Kim’s date with Batman and remain utterly confused. Kim will officially announce her vendetta towards a kitchen chair and Ket’s ‘Dad jokes.’ Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket will live or die in I am the Pretty Thing that Lives in the House.
Dir. Oz Perkins
Writer Oz Perkins
Dir. Oz Perkins
Writer Oz Perkins
Ket tells Kim about An American Haunting, starring Donald Sutherland, Sissy Spacek, and Rachel Hurd-Wood. We’ll learn that Ket can always find a reason to get feisty about feminism, Sissy Spacek’s new nickname, and whether a killer cast and being based on a true story guarantees a killer movie. Most importantly, we’ll find out of Kim will live or die in An American Haunting.
Dir. Courtney Solomon
Writers Courtney Solomon, Brent Monahan
Dir. Courtney Solomon
Writers Courtney Solomon, Brent Monahan
Kim tells Ket about The Boy, starring Lauren Cohen, Rupert Evans, and James Russell. We’ll learn about Kim’s date with Batman and whether he was, or was not, a serial killer. Did she even watch the movie? We’ll find out which of the girls is more likely to ‘drink the kool-aid.’ Most importantly, we’ll find out if Ket will live or die in The Boy.
Dir. William Brent Bell
Writers Stacey Menear
Dir. William Brent Bell
Writers Stacey Menear
Ket tells Kim about Green Room, starring the late Anton Yelchin, Patrick Stewart, and Alia Shawkat. We’ll learn about things like where their love of horror movies began, who their watching partners will (and won’t) be, how to ducktape an arm back together, and what exactly is a ‘butt boy’? Most importantly, we’ll find out if Kim will live or die in the Green Room.
Dir. Jeremy Saulnier
Writer Jeremy Saulnier
Dir. Jeremy Saulnier
Writer Jeremy Saulnier
Theme song is "Exhilarate" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License